2. For the purposes of this Directive, the term "agriculture and horticulture" refers to all activities falling within Group 011 o
f the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (Statistical Office of the United Nations, Statistical Papers, Series M
, No 4, Rev. 1, New York, 1958), and in particular: (a) general agriculture including the growing of field crops, v
iticulture, and the cultivation of tropical produce ...[+++] ; growing of fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fowers, both in the open and under glass ; landscaping;
2 . Voor de toepassing van de richtlijn verstaat men onder landbouw en tuinbouw de werkzaamheden welke in groep 011 van de " International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic activities " zijn begrepen ( Bureau voor de Statistiek van de Verenigde Naties , Statistische studies , serie M , no . 4 . herz . 1 _ New-York 1958 ) , dit is in hoofdzaak :