There are apparent security elements (holograms, watermarks, guilloches, metameric c
olour combinations, optical variable ink, microscript) and hidden security elements (reagent colours, luminescence, photochromic and thermochromic colours, fluorescence, hidden information
technology, melier fibres, nano-markers, molecular structures, laser markings) or combinations of these, which can be both a component of the product itself and of primary and seconda
...[+++]ry packaging materials.
Er zijn 'open' veiligheidskenmerken (hologrammen, watermerken, guilloches, metamere kleurencombinaties, optisch variabele inkt, microschrift) en 'verhulde' veiligheidskenmerken (reagensinkten, luminescentie, fotochromische of thermochromische inkten, fluorescentie, hidden information technology, mêleervezels, nanomarkers, molecuulstructuren, lasermerktekens) of combinaties daarvan, die zowel onderdeel van het product zelf kunnen zijn, alsook van de primaire of secundaire verpakking.