[78] Some studies and reports have looked into these issues and can be taken as the starting point for this initiative such as: UK Roberts Report "The supply of People with Science Technology and Mathematics Skills", April 2002, OECD: Education at a glance 2001, "Employment and Working conditions of Academic Staff in Europe", J. Enders (ed.), Gewerkschaft, Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Materialien und Dokumente Hochschule und Forschung, Oktober 2000.
[78] Sommige studies en verslagen zijn aan deze problematiek gewijd en kunnen als uitgangspunt voor dit initiatief dienen, zoals: UK Roberts Report "The supply of People with Science Technology and Mathematics Skills", april 2002, OESO: Education at a glance 2001, "Employment and Working conditions of Academic Staff in Europe", J. Enders (ed.), Gewerkschaft, Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Materialien und Dokumente Hochschule und Forschung, oktober 2000.