The first phase, currently in action, will focus on the Arctic. The second phase is planned in Antarctica in mid-2003, and the third is scheduled to take place in Brazil in early 2004 to study atmospheric processes in the tropics. The Arctic phase of VINTERSOL will join forces with NASA's SOLVE II project, running during winter 2002-2003. SOLVE mainly relies on NASA's Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) III satellite instrument used to measure high-latitude ozone loss.
Bij de arctische fase van VINTERSOL wordt er samengewerkt met het gedurende de winter van 2002-2003 lopende NASA-project SOLVE II. SOLVE is hoofdzakelijk gebaseerd op het satellietinstrument van NASA's SAGE (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment) III dat gebruikt wordt voor het meten van ozonverliezen op grote hoogte.