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Air-sea rescue
Alcoholic hallucinosis
Biazzi-nitrator operator
Binitrotoluene operator
Briquet's disorder Multiple psychosomatic disorder
Chronic alcoholism Dipsomania Drug addiction
Combat search and rescue
Community list
Delirium tremens
Disorder of personality and behaviour
EU air safety list
Ground search and rescue
Implement the daily train operations plan
List of airlines banned within the EU
Manage accounting operations accounting operations
Maritime search and rescue
Mountain rescue
Nitrator operator
Operate train in accordance with daily train plan
Operating income
Operating position
Operating profit
Operating result
Operating return
Operator position
Operator's position
Oversee the daily train operations plan
Psychoactive substance abuse
Psychosis NOS
SAR operation
Search and rescue
Search and rescue mission
Search and rescue operation
Search-and-rescue operation
Supervise account operations
Supervise accounting operations
Supervising accounting operations
Switchboard operator position
Tetryl nitrator operator
Trading income
Trading profit
Trading results
Urban search and rescue

Traduction de «binitrotoluene operator » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

biazzi-nitrator operator | binitrotoluene operator | nitrator operator | tetryl nitrator operator

operator nitreerinstallatie

Community list | Community list of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban within the Community | Community list of air carriers which are subject to an operating ban within the Union | EU air safety list | European list of airlines subject to an operating ban or operational restrictions within the European Union | list of air carriers that are subject to an operating ban in the Community | list of airlines banned within the EU

lijst van luchtvaartmaatschappijen met een exploitatieverbod in de EU

implement the daily train operations plan | operate train in accordance with daily train plan | operate train in accordance with daily train operations plan | oversee the daily train operations plan

toezicht houden op het dagelijks treinexploitatieplan

manage accounting operations accounting operations | supervising accounting operations | supervise account operations | supervise accounting operations

toezicht houden op boekhoudkundige werkzaamheden | toezicht houden op boekhoudtransacties

operating position | operator position | operator's position | switchboard operator position


operating income | operating profit | operating result | operating return | trading income | trading profit | trading results

bedrijfsresultaat | exploitatiewinst

Injuries by explosion of bombs or mines placed in the course of operations of war, if the explosion occurred after cessation of hostilities Injuries due to operations of war and classifiable to Y36.0-Y36.7 or Y36.9 but occurring after cessation of hostilities

letsel door explosie van bommen of mijnen geplaatst in de loop van oorlogshandelingen, indien de explosie plaatsvond na staken van vijandelijkheden | letsel door oorlogshandelingen geclassificeerd onder Y36.0-Y36.7 of Y36.9, maar na staken van vijandelijkheden

search and rescue [ air-sea rescue | combat search and rescue | CSAR | ground search and rescue | maritime search and rescue | mountain rescue | MSAR | SAR operation | search and rescue mission | search and rescue operation | search-and-rescue operation | urban search and rescue | USAR | Lifesaving(ECLAS) ]

opsporing en redding [ maritieme opsporing en redding | opsporing en redding in steden | opsporing en redding op land | opsporings- en reddingsmissie | opsporings- en reddingsoperatie | redding in de bergen | redding in de lucht of op zee | zoek- en reddingsoperatie in gevechtsomstandigheden ]

Definition: The main features are multiple, recurrent and frequently changing physical symptoms of at least two years' duration. Most patients have a long and complicated history of contact with both primary and specialist medical care services, during which many negative investigations or fruitless exploratory operations may have been carried out. Symptoms may be referred to any part or system of the body. The course of the disorder is chronic and fluctuating, and is often associated with disruption of social, interpersonal, and family behaviour. Short-lived (less than two years) and less striking symptom patterns should be classified u ...[+++]

Omschrijving: De belangrijkste kenmerken zijn meervoudige, recidiverende en veelvuldig veranderende lichamelijke klachten die al ten minste twee jaar duren. De meeste patiënten hebben een lange en ingewikkelde geschiedenis achter de rug van contacten met zowel eerste als tweedelijns gezondheidszorg, waarin talloze onderzoekingen met negatief resultaat of vruchteloze operatieve exploraties kunnen zijn verricht. De klachten kunnen worden toegeschreven aan elk onderdeel of systeem van het lichaam. Het verloop van de stoornis is chronisch en wisselend en gaat vaak ten koste van het sociaal functioneren, omgang met anderen en het gezinsleven. ...[+++]

Definition: This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity and clinical form but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive substances, which may or may not have been medically prescribed. The third character of the code identifies the substance involved, and the fourth character specifies the clinical state. The codes should be used, as required, for each substance specified, but it should be noted that not all fourth character codes are applicable to all substances. Identification of the psychoactive substance should be based on as many sources of information as possible. These include self-report data, analysis of blood and other body fluids, characteristic physical and psychological symptom ...[+++]

Omschrijving: Dit blok omvat een grote verscheidenheid van stoornissen van verschillende ernst en klinische vorm, die evenwel alle aan het gebruik van een of meer psychoactieve middelen, al dan niet op medisch voorschrift, zijn toe te schrijven. De betrokken stof wordt aangegeven door middel van het derde teken van de code en het vierde teken specificeert de klinische toestand; deze codering dient, waar nodig, gebruikt te worden voor elk gespecificeerd middel, met dien verstande dat niet elk vierde teken van toepassing is op elke stof.
