(46) Case IV/M.856 - British Telecom/MCI (II), paragraph 19s., Case IV/JV.15 - BT/AT T, paragraph 84 and 92, Case COMP/M.2257 - France Telecom/Equant, paragraph 32, It is highly unlikely that the provision of electronic communications services could be segmented on the basis of national (or local) bilateral routes.
(46) Zaak nr. IV/M 856, British Telecom/MCI (II), punt 19 e.v., zaak nr. IV/JV 15, BT/ AT T, punten 84 en 92, zaak nr. COMP/M.2257, France Telecom/Equant, punt 32. Het is erg onwaarschijnlijk dat de levering van elektronische communicatiediensten kan worden gesegmenteerd op basis van nationale (of lokale) bilaterale routes.