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Address side effects of climacteric
Address side effects of climacteric period
Address side effects of menopause
Alcoholic hallucinosis
Arteriosclerotic dementia
Cavity effect
Cavity optomechanics
Cavity resonator
Chest cavity
Chronic alcoholism Dipsomania Drug addiction
Communicate side effects of menopause
Delirium tremens
Disorder of personality and behaviour
Field of cavity opto-mechanics
Hollow charge efficiency
Installing cavity wall insulation
Insulate wall cavities
Microwave resource cavity
Physics of cavity opto-mechanics
Physics of cavity optomechanics
Psychoactive substance abuse
Psychosis NOS
Pump insulation beads into cavities
Pump polystyrene insulation beads into cavities
Resonant cavity
Resonant chamber
Resonant element
Shaped charge efficiency
Thoracic cavity
Tuned cavity
Waveguide resonator

Vertaling van "cavity effect " (Engels → Nederlands) :

cavity effect | hollow charge efficiency | shaped charge efficiency

effect van een holle lading

field of cavity opto-mechanics | physics of cavity optomechanics | cavity optomechanics | physics of cavity opto-mechanics

optomechanica in trilholtes

cavity resonator | microwave resource cavity | resonant cavity | resonant chamber | resonant element | rhumbatron | tuned cavity | waveguide resonator


installing cavity wall insulation | pump polystyrene insulation beads into cavities | insulate wall cavities | pump insulation beads into cavities

isolatiekorrels in holtes pompen | isolatiebolletjes in holtes pompen | isolatieparels in holtes pompen

Definition: This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity and clinical form but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive substances, which may or may not have been medically prescribed. The third character of the code identifies the substance involved, and the fourth character specifies the clinical state. The codes should be used, as required, for each substance specified, but it should be noted that not all fourth character codes are applicable to all substances. Identification of the psychoactive substance should be based on as many sources of information as possible. These include sel ...[+++]

Omschrijving: Dit blok omvat een grote verscheidenheid van stoornissen van verschillende ernst en klinische vorm, die evenwel alle aan het gebruik van een of meer psychoactieve middelen, al dan niet op medisch voorschrift, zijn toe te schrijven. De betrokken stof wordt aangegeven door middel van het derde teken van de code en het vierde teken specificeert de klinische toestand; deze codering dient, waar nodig, gebruikt te worden voor elk gespecificeerd middel, met dien verstande dat niet elk vierde teken van toepassing is op elke stof.

Blast effects Exposure to ionizing radiation from nuclear weapon Fireball effects Heat Other direct and secondary effects of nuclear weapons

blootstelling aan ioniserende [radioactieve-]straling van kernwapen | gevolgen van ontploffing | hitte | vuurbaleffecten | overige directe en secundaire gevolgen van kernwapens

address side effects of climacteric | communicate side effects of menopause | address side effects of climacteric period | address side effects of menopause

bijwerkingen van menopauze behandelen | neveneffecten van menopauze behandelen

A rare genetic, poly malformative syndrome with characteristics of progressive, proportionate, asymmetric segmental overgrowth (with soft tissue hypertrophy and ballooning effect) that develops and progresses rapidly in early childhood, arteriovenous

SOLAMEN (segmental outgrowth, lipomatosis, arteriovenous malformation, epidermal nevus)-syndroom

Definition: Vascular dementia is the result of infarction of the brain due to vascular disease, including hypertensive cerebrovascular disease. The infarcts are usually small but cumulative in their effect. Onset is usually in later life. | arteriosclerotic dementia

Omschrijving: Vasculaire dementie is het gevolg van herseninfarct op basis van vaatlijden, inclusief cerebrovasculair lijden bij hypertensie. De infarcten zijn doorgaans klein, maar cumulatief in hun effect. Het begin valt doorgaans in de latere levensjaren. | arteriosclerotische dementie
