The general formula for calculating the concentration in g/l is:whereV = volume of test solution in ml (here 2,22 ml)v = volume of the sample in ml (here 0,1 ml)M = molecular mass of the substance to be determined (here, for L-malic acid, M=134,09)d = optical path in the cell in cm (here, 1 cm)
Het gehalte in gram per liter wordt berekend met de algemene formule:V = totaal cuvetvolume, in ml (is 2,22 ml)v = volume van het in bewerking genomen monster, in ml (is 0,1 ml)MM = moleculaire massa van de te bepalen stof (L-appelzuur = 134,09)d = optische weglengte van de cuvet, in cm (is 1 cm)