Studies show that as much as 30-35 % of construction costs can be directly linked to waste in process and production ("Waste in construction projects - call for a new approach", Josephson/Saukkoriipi, The Centre for Management of the Built Environment Building Economics and Management, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg 2007.) A reduction of unnecessary costs in the construction sector would significantly increase the number of renovations that improves energy efficiency in buildings, since these renovations would be much cheaper for end-users.
Uit studies is gebleken dat 30 à 35% van de bouwkosten rechtstreeks verband houdt met verspilling in het bouw- en productieproces ("Waste in construction projects - call for a new approach", Josephson/Saukkoriipi, The Centre for Management of the Built Environment Building Economics and Management, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg 2007). Door onnodige kosten in de bouwsector terug te dringen zouden meer renovaties kunnen worden uitgevoerd die de energie-efficiëntie van gebouwen verhogen, aangezien zulke renovaties goedkoper zouden worden voor de eindgebruiker.