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Augment production workflow
Carry out production workflow enhancement activities
Cough drugs
Cough enhancement
Cough remedies
Cough suppressants
Determine flow rate enhancement
Determining flow rate enhancement
Determining of flow rate enhancement
Develop personal skills
Enhance personal skills
Enhance production workflow
Equine infectious bronchitis
Equine influenza
Evaluating flow rate enhancement
Hoppengarten cough
Improve personal skills
Newmarket cough
Perform production workflow enhancement activities
Personal skills enhancing
Shipping fever
The Cough
Traumatic neurosis
Weaver's asthma
Weaver's cough

Traduction de «cough enhancement » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

Cough enhancement

aanmoedigen van diepe ademhalings- en hoestoefeningen

equine infectious bronchitis | equine influenza | Hoppengarten cough | laryngotracheobronchitis | Newmarket cough | shipping fever | the Cough

paardengriep | paardeninfluenza

cough drugs | cough remedies | cough suppressants

hoestdempende middelen | hoeststillende middelen

determining flow rate enhancement | evaluating flow rate enhancement | determine flow rate enhancement | determining of flow rate enhancement

verbetering stroomsnelheid vaststellen

weaver's asthma | weaver's cough | weavers'asthma | weavers'cough


A rare neurologic disease with characteristics of persistent continuous bilateral visual experience of flickering snow-like dots throughout the visual field in association with other visual (including palinopsia, enhanced entopic phenomena, nyctalopi


augment production workflow | perform production workflow enhancement activities | carry out production workflow enhancement activities | enhance production workflow

productieworkflow verbeteren

enhance personal skills | improve personal skills | develop personal skills | personal skills enhancing

persoonlijke vaardigheden ontwikkelen

Definition: Arises as a delayed or protracted response to a stressful event or situation (of either brief or long duration) of an exceptionally threatening or catastrophic nature, which is likely to cause pervasive distress in almost anyone. Predisposing factors, such as personality traits (e.g. compulsive, asthenic) or previous history of neurotic illness, may lower the threshold for the development of the syndrome or aggravate its course, but they are neither necessary nor sufficient to explain its occurrence. Typical features include episodes of repeated reliving of the trauma in intrusive memories ( flashbacks ), dreams or nightmares ...[+++]

Omschrijving: Ontstaat als een verlate of verlengde reactie op een stressveroorzakende gebeurtenis of situatie (van korte of lange duur) van een buitengewoon bedreigende of catastrofale aard, die bij vrijwel iedereen grote angst zou veroorzaken. Predisponerende factoren, zoals persoonlijkheidstrekken (b.v. compulsieve, asthene) of een voorgeschiedenis van neurotische ziekte, kunnen de drempel voor de ontwikkeling van het syndroom verlagen of zijn verloop verergeren, maar zijn noodzakelijk noch voldoende om het optreden ervan te verklaren. Typische kenmerken zijn onder meer episoden van herhaald herleven van het trauma in zich opdringende ...[+++]

Hearing aid enhanced audio device, teaching-environment

audio-hulpmiddel bij hoortoestel voor onderwijsomgeving
