The reason for taking the measure was the non-conformity of the impact drill with the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex I to Directive 2006/42/EC, points 1.3.2 — Risk of break up during operation, 1.7.3 — Marking of machinery and — Contents of instructions, on the grounds that the machine did not pass the resistance test, breaking the framework, with the consequent risk of cut and/or the possibility of accessing to the active parts.
De reden voor de maatregel was de niet-conformiteit van de slagboormachine met de essentiële veiligheids- en gezondheidseisen van bijlage I bij Richtlijn 2006/42/EG, punt 1.3.2 — Risico van breuken tijdens het gebruik, punt 1.7.3 — Markering op machines en punt