1. Member States shall take the appropria
te steps to develop transmission and distribution grid infrastructure, intelligent networks, storage
facilities and the electricity system, in order to allow the secure operation of the electricity
system as it accommodates the further development of ele
ctricity production from renewable energy sources, including interconnection between Member States
...[+++] and between Member States and third countries.1. De lidstaten nemen passende maatregelen om de transmissie- en distributienetwerkinfrastructuur, intelligente netwerken, opslaginstallaties en het elektriciteitssysteem te ontwikkelen teneinde het elektriciteitsnet veilig te laten functioneren en daardoor de verdere ontwikkeling van elektriciteitsopwekking uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen, inclusief interconnectie tussen lidstaten en tussen lidstaten en derde landen te vergemakkelijken.