It comprises two founding members: DNS Belgium ( registry) and the Istituto di Informatica e Telematica ( registry), and eight associate members: ARNES ( registry), CZ.NIC ( registry), Business Europe (a confederation of 39 industry-related federations from 33 countries), ECTA
Internet Committee (European Community Trademark Association), EMOTA (European Multi-channel and Online Trade Association), IAB Europe (Interactive Advertising Bureau), CECUA (Confederation of European Computer Users) and UEAPME (European Association of Craft
...[+++], Small and Medium-sized Enterprises).Het bestaat uit twee stichtende leden: DNS Belgium (, het Istituto di Informatica e Telematica (, en acht geassocieerde leden: ARNES (, CZ.NIC ( register), Business Europe (een koepelorganisatie van 39 industriegerelateerde werkgeversverenigingen uit 33 landen), E
CTA-internetcomité (European Community Trademark Association), EMOTA (European Multi-channel and Online Trade Association), IAB Europe (Interactive Advertising Bureau), CECUA (Confederation of European Computer Users) en UEAPME (European Assoc
...[+++]iation of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises).