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Audit clerk
Audit office worker
Auditing clerk
Clerical staff
Discord with probation officer
Federal Employment Agency
Federal Institute for Employment
Federal Labour Office
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
Federal Office for the Recognition of Foreign Refugees
Federal Office of Labour
Federation of office workers
Her majesty's passport officer
Night audit clerk
Office worker
Passport examining officer
Passport office worker
Passport officer
Purchasing and supply agent
Purchasing and supply office clerk
Purchasing and supply office worker
Social worker
Trade union
Trade union association
Trade union council
Trade union federation
Trade union organisation
Trade unionism
Welfare officer
Workers' association
Workers' trade union
Youth worker

Traduction de «federation office workers » (Anglais → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
federation of office workers

bond van administratief personeel

Federal Employment Agency | Federal Institute for Employment | Federal Labour Office | Federal Office of Labour

Bondsarbeidsbureau | Bondsbureau voor werkgelegenheid

her majesty's passport officer | passport office worker | passport examining officer | passport officer

administratief medewerker dienst Bevolking | medewerker Publiekszaken | medewerker Burgerzaken | medewerkster Burgerzaken

Federal Office for Migration and Refugees | Federal Office for the Recognition of Foreign Refugees

federaal bureau voor de erkenning van vluchtelingen | federaal bureau voor migratie en vluchtelingen | BAFl [Abbr.]

audit clerk | night audit clerk | audit office worker | auditing clerk

controlerend accountant | operational auditor | auditor | internal auditor

purchasing and supply agent | purchasing and supply office clerk | purchaser | purchasing and supply office worker

industrieel inkoper | inkoper media | aankoper | inkoper

Discord with:probation officer | social worker

onenigheid met | maatschappelijk werker | onenigheid met | reclasseringsambtenaar

social worker [ welfare officer | youth worker ]

maatschappelijk werker [ maatschappelijk werk ]

trade union [ trade union association | trade union council | trade union federation | trade unionism | trade union organisation | workers' association | workers' trade union ]

vakbond [ arbeidersorganisatie | syndicaat | syndicalisme | vakbeweging | vakbondorganisatie | vakverbond | werknemersvakvereniging ]
The European Commission has insisted intransigently on its initial proposals, despite the acute reactions of ten traditional universal service providers, including the Hellenic Post Offices, petitions by thousands of citizens and the warnings of the European Trade Union Confederation and the Federation of Postal Workers.

De Europese Commissie heeft het been stijf gehouden en aangedrongen op haar oorspronkelijke voorstellen, ondanks het hevige verzet van tien historische instanties van universele dienstverlening - waaronder de Griekse Posterijen -, ondanks de verzoekschriften van duizenden burgers en de waarschuwingen van het Europees Verbond van Vakverenigingen en de Bond van postambtenaren.
