Though it is true that the text has been improved in the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, it is also the case that it retains a tone which is clearly in favour of interventionism, and all the factors that mean economic and social development in the European Union, such as private initiative, the market or competition policy, are forgotten and relegated to second place. In short, this report defends policies and formulas that have traditionally been advocated by the European left.
Ofschoon de Commissie werkgelegenheid en sociale zaken de tekst aanzienlijk heeft verbeterd, klinkt er nog steeds een uitgesproken interventionistische benadering in door. Immers, alle elementen van de economische en sociale ontwikkeling van de Unie, met name het particulier initiatief, de markt en het mededingingsbeleid, worden eenvoudigweg verdrongen, vergeten of naar de achtergrond verschoven.