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American foul brood
American foulbrood
American foulbrood of bees
Assess feeding behaviour of larvae
Assessing feeding behaviour of larvae
Bacillus larvae
Bacillus larvae infection
Cutaneous larva migrans NOS
Feeding behaviour of larvae assessing
First-instar larva
Infection by Spirometra larvae
Infection by larvae of Trichinella
Infection due to Anisakis larvae
Infection due to Sparganum
Larvae feeding behaviour assessing
Larval diphyllobothriasis Spirometrosis
Malignant foulbrood
Malignant foulbrood of bees
Ropy foulbrood
Spirometra larvae

Vertaling van "larvae " (Engels → Nederlands) :


assessing feeding behaviour of larvae | larvae feeding behaviour assessing | assess feeding behaviour of larvae | feeding behaviour of larvae assessing

eetgedrag van larven beoordelen

American foul brood | American foulbrood | American foulbrood of bees | Bacillus larvae infection | malignant foulbrood | malignant foulbrood of bees | ropy foulbrood | AFB [Abbr.]

Amerikaans vuilbroed | kwaadaardig vuilbroed

Infection by Spirometra larvae

infectie door Spirometra larvae

Infection due to:Sparganum (mansoni)(proliferum) | Spirometra larvae | Larval diphyllobothriasis Spirometrosis

diphyllobothriasis door larven | infectie door | Sparganum (mansoni)(proliferum) | infectie door | Spirometra larvae | spirometrosis

Infection by larvae of Trichinella

infectie door larven van Trichinella

Infection due to Anisakis larvae

infectie door larven van Anisakis
the bees/bumble bees (1) as well as their packaging have undergone a visual examination to detect the occurrence of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida) or their eggs and larvae.

de bijen/hommels (1) alsook hun verpakking werden visueel onderzocht op het voorkomen van de kleine bijenkastkever (Aethina tumida) of de eitjes en larven ervan.

natural influx of fish or crustacean larvae and juveniles when filling ponds, containment systems and enclosures;

wanneer het de natuurlijke instroom van larven en juvenielen van vissen of schaal- en schelpdieren bij het vullen van vijvers, inperkingssystemen en afgebakende ruimten betreft;

Maximum on farm stocking densities and production limits || Seeding: maximum 22 post larvae/m2 Maximum instantaneous biomass: 240 g/m2

Maximale bezettingsdichtheid en maximale productie || Broed: maximaal 22 post-larven/m2 Maximale biomassa per eenheidsgebied: 240 g/m2

The genetically modified maize 1507 (Bt maize) was developed to confer resistance to specific harmful moth larvae for maize such as the European corn borer.

De genetisch gemodificeerde 1507-mais (Bt-mais) werd ontwikkeld om mais resistentie te bieden tegen specifieke schadelijke mottenlarven, zoals de Europese maisboorder.

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In 2001, the company Pioneer lodged an application for the authorisation of the maize 1507 (confer resistance to specific harmful moth larvae for maize such as the European corn borer) for cultivation under Directive 2001/18/EC on the deliberate release of GMOs into the environment.

In 2001 heeft de onderneming Pioneer voor de teelt van 1507-mais (die resistent is tegen bepaalde voor mais schadelijke nachtvlinderrupsen, zoals de Europese maisboorder) een vergunning aangevraagd op basis van Richtlijn 2001/18/EG inzake de doelbewuste introductie van ggo's in het milieu.

products of aquaculture where the fish, crustaceans and molluscs are born there or raised there from eggs, larvae or fry;

producten van de aquacultuur wanneer de vis, schelp- en weekdieren aldaar zijn geboren of uit eieren, larven of jonge vis zijn gekweekt;

MON 810 maize contains a gene of a bacterium which causes the formation of toxins in maize plants, thus destroying the larvae of a butterfly parasite which weakens the plant’s growth.

MON 810-maïs bevat een gen van een bacterie dat in de maïsplant leidt tot de vorming van toxinen die de voor de ontwikkeling van de maïsplant schadelijke rupsen van een vlindersoort vernietigen.

Aquaculture products obtained from fry or larvae

Aquacultuurproducten verkregen uit pootvis of larven

The larvae drift and swim into river mouths all over Europe and northern Africa, when they migrate upstream to spend most of their lives.

De larven drijven en zwemmen vandaar naar de riviermondingen in heel Europa en Noord-Afrika, waar ze stroomopwaarts trekken om daar het grootste deel van hun leven door te brengen.

Annex 1: List of selected projects Annex 2: Examples of CRAFT projects Annex 1 INDUSTRIAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES Brite-EuRam II 1990-1994 List of 23 CRAFT projects retained Nr of the proposal Title of the proposal, prime proposer and country CR-1197-91 The recycling of second-hand textile waste Prime proposer : TRICOOP SC (B) CR-1280-91 Automatic reuse of electronic components on printed circuit boards and separation of toxic components Prime proposer : Weld-Equip D.V (NL) CR-1283-91 Plasma coupling of microwave supplies in reactors for treatment of polymers and organic materials Prime proposer : Plassys (F) CR-1292-91 Non destructive testing and imaging of concrete Prime proposer : Pharma Test UK Ltd (UK) CR-1293-91 Development of a ne ...[+++]

Bijlage 1: Lijst van geselecteerde projecten Bijlage 2: Voorbeelden van CRAFT-projecten Annex 1 INDUSTRIAL AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES Brite-EuRam II 1990-1994 List of 23 CRAFT projects retained Nr of the proposal Title of the proposal, prime proposer and country CR-1197-91 The recycling of second-hand textile waste Prime proposer : TRICOOP SC (B) CR-1280-91 Automatic reuse of electronic components on printed circuit boards and separation of toxic components Prime proposer : Weld-Equip D.V (NL) CR-1283-91 Plasma coupling of microwave supplies in reactors for treatment of polymers and organic materials Prime proposer : Plassys (F) CR-1292-91 Non destructive testing and imaging of concrete Prime proposer : Pharma Test UK Ltd (UK) CR-1293-91 De ...[+++]
