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Auto machinist
Clothing sample machinist
Electrical gear machinist
Garment sample machinist
Gear machinist
Ground hauling
Ground logging
Ground snigging
Ground-lead cable logging
Ground-lead hauling
Ground-lead logging
Ground-line cable logging
Ground-line logging
Leading machinist
Low-lead cable logging
Low-lead logging
Machine operator supervisor
Machine setter team leader
Machining and assembly team leader
Mechanical gear machinist
Rh thermocouple lead assembly
Rh thermocouple lead assy
Right hand thermocouple lead assembly
Right hand thermocouple lead assy
Sample garment machinist
Sample sewer
T 12 electrical lead assembly
T 12 electrical lead assy
T 49.5 electrical lead assembly
T 49.5 electrical lead assy

Vertaling van "leading machinist " (Engels → Nederlands) :

machine setter team leader | machining and assembly team leader | leading machinist | machine operator supervisor

controleur machines | leidinggevende machinebediening | chef machinebediening | machine-insteller

auto machinist | mechanical gear machinist | electrical gear machinist | gear machinist

werktuigkundige aandrijvingen

garment sample machinist | sample garment machinist | clothing sample machinist | sample sewer

modellenstikster | modelnaaier | modellenstikker | modelnaaister

ground hauling | ground logging | ground snigging | ground-lead cable logging | ground-lead hauling | ground-lead logging | ground-line cable logging | ground-line logging | low-lead cable logging | low-lead logging

kabeluitsleep langs de grond

T 12 electrical lead assembly | T 12 electrical lead assy | T 49.5 electrical lead assembly | T 49.5 electrical lead assy

T12 ontstekingsleidingen met schermbuizen

Rh thermocouple lead assembly | Rh thermocouple lead assy | right hand thermocouple lead assembly | right hand thermocouple lead assy

kabelwerk van het rechtse thermokoppel

Definition: This category differs from others in that it includes disorders identifiable on the basis of not only symptoms and course but also the existence of one or other of two causative influences: an exceptionally stressful life event producing an acute stress reaction, or a significant life change leading to continued unpleasant circumstances that result in an adjustment disorder. Although less severe psychosocial stress ( life events ) may precipitate the onset or contribute to the presentation of a very wide range of disorders classified elsewhere in this chapter, its etiological importance is not always clear and in each case wi ...[+++]

Omschrijving: Deze categorie verschilt van andere in zoverre dat zij stoornissen omvat die niet alleen kunnen worden geïdentificeerd op grond van symptomen en verloop, maar ook van het bestaan van twee oorzakelijke factoren: een buitengewoon ingrijpende levensgebeurtenis die een acute stressreactie geeft of een belangrijke verandering in het leven leidend tot aanhoudend onaangename omstandigheden die resulteren in een aanpassingsstoornis. Hoewel minder ernstige psychosociale stress ('life events') het begin kan verhaasten of kan bijdragen aan het voorkomen van een zeer ruime reeks stoornissen die elders in dit hoofdstuk zijn geclassifice ...[+++]

A rare dysostosis syndrome with characteristics of abnormal fusion of the spleen with the gonad (or more rarely with remnants of the mesonephros), limb abnormalities (consisting of amelia or severe reduction defects leading to upper and/or lower rudi

syndroom van splenogonadale fusie, defect van extremiteit en micrognathie

A rare inflammatory eye disease of unknown aetiology characterised by generalised inflammation of the uvea (iris, ciliary body, choroid), retina and vitreous with consequent ciliary spasm and posterior synechiae formation, leading to acute or chronic

idiopathische panuveïtis

A rare intestinal disorder of neonates of unknown aetiology. Patients are born with a short small bowel (less than 75 cm in length) that compromises proper intestinal absorption and leads chronic diarrhoea, vomiting and failure to thrive.

congenitaal dunne darm-syndroom
