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Bleaching agent
Chronic ciclosporin A nephrotoxicity
Destructive to the kidneys
Fluorescent whitening agent
Gastrointestinal system
Nephrotoxic agent
Optical bleach
Optical bleaching agent
Optical brightener
Optical brightening agent
Optical whitening agent
Whitening agent

Vertaling van "nephrotoxic agent " (Engels → Nederlands) :

Chronic ciclosporin A nephrotoxicity

chronisch nefrotoxiciteit door ciclosporine A

nephrotoxic | destructive to the kidneys

nefrotoxisch | giftig voor de nieren

bleaching agent | brightener | fluorescent whitening agent | optical bleach | optical bleaching agent | optical brightener | optical brightening agent | optical whitening agent | whitening agent

bleekmiddel | optisch bleekmiddel | optisch witmiddel | opwitter | witmaker

agents primarily acting on smooth and skeletal muscles and the respiratory system anaesthetics (general)(local) drugs affecting the:cardiovascular system | gastrointestinal system | hormones and synthetic substitutes systemic and haematological agents systemic antibiotics and other anti-infectives therapeutic gases topical preparations vaccines water-balance agents and drugs affecting mineral and uric acid metabolism

anesthetica (algemeen)(lokaal) | geneesmiddelen aangrijpend op hart en vaatstelsel | geneesmiddelen aangrijpend op spijsverteringsstelsel | hormonen en synthetische substituten | lokaal aangrijpende preparaten | middelen aangrijpend op waterhuishouding en geneesmiddelen met werking op mineralenhuishouding en urinezuurmetabolisme | middelen met primaire werking op gladde spieren en skeletspieren en op ademhalingsstelsel | systemische antibiotica en overige anti-infectiemiddelen | systemische en hematologische middelen | therapeutische gassen | vaccins

Extensive drug resistance (XDR) is defined as non-susceptibility to at least one agent in all but two or fewer epidemiologically significant antimicrobial categories. Non-susceptibility refers to either a resistant, intermediate or non-susceptible re

extensief antimicrobieel geneesmiddelresistente bacterie

A subgroup of therapy-related myeloid neoplasms (t-MN), associated with a treatment of an unrelated neoplastic or autoimmune disease with cytotoxic agents, like cyclophosphamid, platins, melphalan and others. The neoplastic cells typically harbor unb

acute myeloïde leukemie en myelodysplastische syndromen gerelateerd aan alkylerend middel

Acidifying agents Alkalizing agents Immunoglobulin Immunologicals Lipotropic drugs Parathyroid hormones and derivatives

aanzurende middelen | alkaliserende middelen | bijschildklierhormonen en derivaten | immunoglobuline | immunologische middelen | lipotrope middelen

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Date index: 2022-08-21