The current internal control framework is built on the implementation of the Commission's Internal Control Standards, procedures for selecting the best projects and translating them into legal instruments, project and contract management throughout the project lifecycle, ex-ante checks on claims, including receipt of audit certificates, ex-ante certification of cost methodologies, ex post audits and corrections, and evaluation.
Het huidige interne controlekader is gebaseerd op de uitvoering van de interne controlenormen van de Commissie, procedures om de beste projecten te selecteren en ze te vertalen in rechtsinstrumenten, project- en contractbeheer gedurende de levenscyclus van het project, ex‑antecontroles van vorderingen, waaronder de ontvangst van auditcertificaten, ex‑antecertificering van kostenmethoden, ex-postaudits en correcties en evaluaties.