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Calibrating electronic systems
Chromotography machinery looking after
Chromotography machinery maintaining
Color look-up table
Color table
Colour look-up table
Colour table
Face looks drawn
Face looks old
Host trade delegations
Host trade deputations
Look after chromotography machinery
Look after electronic systems
Look after trade delegations
Look after trade deputations
Looking after electronic systems
Maintain chromotography machinery
Maintain electronic systems
Preferential duty
Preferential duty rate
Preferential looking
Preferential looking test
Preferential rate
Preferential rate of duty
Preferential tariff
Tariff advantage
Tariff concession
Tariff preference
Video look-up table

Vertaling van "preferential looking " (Engels → Nederlands) :


preferential looking | PL [Abbr.]

methode van de voorkeursblik

preferential duty | preferential duty rate | preferential rate | preferential rate of duty

preferentieel recht

color look-up table | color table | colour look-up table | colour table | video look-up table | CLUT [Abbr.]


chromotography machinery looking after | look after chromotography machinery | chromotography machinery maintaining | maintain chromotography machinery

chromotografiemachines onderhouden | chromotografische machines onderhouden

host trade delegations | look after trade deputations | host trade deputations | look after trade delegations

handelsdelegaties begeleiden | handelsmissies begeleiden

calibrating electronic systems | looking after electronic systems | look after electronic systems | maintain electronic systems

elektronische systemen onderhouden

tariff preference [ preferential tariff | tariff advantage | tariff concession ]

voorkeurtarief [ tariefconcessie | tariefpreferentie | tariefvoordeel ]

It guarantees ACP producers' preferential access to the EU market. It settles long-running trade disputes, bringing stability to the bananas industry, which potential investors look for.

Zij garandeert de ACS-producenten preferentiële toegang tot de EU-markt, beslecht langdurige handelsgeschillen en creëert stabiliteit voor de bananensector, wat inspeelt op de wensen van potentiële investeerders.

– (EL) The Council proposal to give preferential treatment to and upgrade the already strong cooperation between the EU and Israel – irrespective of the fact that the European Parliament vote on it has been adjourned – is, whichever way you look at it, a challenge to Europeans and to all the nations of the world, an insult to the thousands of victims of Israeli barbarity.

– (EL) Het voorstel van de Raad met betrekking tot de preferentiële opwaardering van de reeds hechte samenwerking tussen de EU en Israël – ongeacht het feit dat de stemming van het Europees Parlement is uitgesteld – is, hoe je het ook bekijkt, een provocatie aan het adres van de Europeanen en van alle volkeren in de wereld; het is een belediging voor de duizenden slachtoffers van het beestachtig gedrag van Israël.

The Association Council recalled the agreement between the EU and Hungary on reciprocal trade concessions in the field of agricultural products, which has been applied by autonomous measures as from 1 July 2000, and looked forward to the launch of a new round of negotiations for further liberalisation of agricultural trade. It noted the entry into force, retroactively as of 1 January 2001, of the preferential trade aspects of the agreement between the European Community and Hungary on a new Protocol to the Europe Agreement on Wines an ...[+++]

De Associatieraad nam nota van de inwerkingtreding, met terugwerkende kracht vanaf 1 januari 2001, van de preferentiële-handelsaspecten van de overeenkomst tussen de Europese Gemeenschap en Hongarije betreffende een nieuw protocol bij de Europa-overeenkomst aangaande wijn en gedistilleerde dranken.

The European Commission has taken a fundamental look at the European Union 's (EU) preferential agreements with third countries and the implications of world trading rules for the future development of trading blocs.

De Europese Commissie heeft zich ernstig verdiept in de preferentiële overeenkomsten van de EU met derde landen en de gevolgen van wereldwijde handelsregels voor de toekomstige ontwikkeling van handelsblokken.
