- having regard to its motion for a resolution on the adoption of an initiative as a gesture of solidarity on the occasion of the entry into circulation of the single European currency, the euro (B5-0029/2001 ), tabled by Sartori, Agag Longo, Banotti, Bourlanges, Cox, De Clercq, Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado, Hermange, Karas, Korhola, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Martens, Poettering, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Ribeiro e Castro, Santer, Smet, Stenzel and Van Velzen,
- gezien de ontwerpresolutie van de leden Sartori, Agag Longo, Banotti, Bourlanges, Cox, De Clercq, Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado, Hermange, Karas, Korhola, Kratsa, Tsagaropoulon, Martens, Poettering, Quisthouldt-Rowohl, Ribeiro e Castro, Santer, Smet, Stenzel en Van Velzen ver de vaststelling van een solidariteitsinitiatief ter gelegenheid van de invoering van de eenheidsmunt Euro (B5-0029/2001 ),