The measured potential is proportionate to the logarithm of the activity of the fluoride ions in the medium being analysed, in accordance with the following equation:E = Eo ± S log aF (1)WhereE = potential of the ion-selective electrode measured against the reference electrode in the medium being analysed; Eo = standard potential of the sensor; S = slope of the ion-selective electrode (Nernst factor).
De gemeten potentiaal is evenredig aan de logaritme van de fluoride-ionenactiviteit in het onderzochte milieu volgens de betrekking:E = Eo ± S log aFwaarinE = potentiaal van de ionspecifieke elektrode, gemeten ten opzichte van de referentie-elektrode in het onderzochte medium,Eo = standaardpotentiaal van de meetcel,S = steilheid van de ionspecifieke elektrode (Nernst-factor).