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1) allergique - 2) réaction violentes aux allergènes
1) ambulant - 2) ambulatoire
1) anabolique - 2) anabolisant
1) asystolie - 2) asystole
1) atopique - 2) atopie
1) auditif - 2) auriculaire
1) auriculaire - 2) auriculaire
1) basal - 2) basique
1) base - 2) base
1) correctif - 2) correction
1) décongestif
1) partie inférieure d'un organe - 2) base
1) qui se rapporte à l'ouie - 2) de l'oreille
à une auricule

Traduction de «1 symptomatic » (Français → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
1) ambulant - 2) ambulatoire | 1) qui se déplace ou s'étend - 2) capable de se déplacer/laissant la possibilité de se déplacer

ambulant | in staat om te lopen

1) basal - 2) basique | 1) qui concerne la base d'un organe - 2) se rapportant à une base

basaal | met betrekking tot een stof die zout vormt

1) base - 2) base | 1) partie inférieure d'un organe - 2) base | alcalin

base | stof die zout vormt

1) correctif - 2) correction | 1) substance ajoutée à un médicament pour en modifier l'action - 2) de la vue

correctie | verbetering

1) auriculaire - 2) auriculaire | 1) qui se rapporte à l'oreille - 2) qui se rapporte à une oreillette | à une auricule

auriculair | met betrekking tot het oor

1) auditif - 2) auriculaire | 1) qui se rapporte à l'ouie - 2) de l'oreille

auraal | met betrekking tot een voorbode

1) anabolique - 2) anabolisant | 1) qui se rapporte à l'anabolisme - 2) qui renforce l'anabolisme

anabool | weefselopbouwend

1) asystolie - 2) asystole | 1) insuffisance cardiaque globale - 2) arrêt de la fonction pompe du coeur

asystolie | hartstilstand

1) atopique - 2) atopie | 1) allergique - 2) réaction violentes aux allergènes

atopisch | met betrekking tot een vorm van overgevoeligheid

1) décongestif (a et sm) - 2) décongestionnant | 1) contre l'obstruction - 2) (médicament) qui dégage le nez

decongestivum | middel dat zwelling vermindert
N=1 Symptomatic vertebral RR=0.62 (95% CI 0.47-0.83) # 2/6572 36 m Non-vertebral # RR=0.86 (95% CI 0.75-0.98) NNT=58 Subgroup analysis in 80+ (n=1488) showed efficacy

N=1 Symptomatic vertebral # RR=0.62 (95% CI 0.47-0.83) 2/6572 36 m Non-vertebral # RR=0.86 (95% CI 0.75-0.98) NNT=58

PCAS in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients show 30 day rates of stroke and death of 1.8% (N=896, 63% symptomatic) 35 , 2.2% (K-M estimate, N=143 of which 37.1% symptomatic) 39, 3.2% (N=2111 symptomatic patients)34, 2.5% (N=2110 asymptomatic patients) 34, 5.2% (N=97 symptomatic)36, 11.3%(N=53, 57% symptomatic > 75 year old)32, 3.8% (N=213 symptomatic)33, 3.2% (N=602 asymptomatic)33, 2% (N=86> 79 years old)33, 3.7% (N=159 29.9% symptomatic) 28 .

PCAS in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients show 30 day rates of stroke and death of 1.8% (N=896, 63% symptomatic)35, 2.2% (K-M estimate, N=143 of which 37.1% symptomatic) 39, 3.2% (N=2111 symptomatic patients)34, 2.5% (N=2110 asymptomatic patients) 34, 5.2% (N=97 symptomatic)36, 11.3%(N=53, 57% symptomatic > 75 year old)32, 3.8% (N=213 symptomatic)33, 3.2% (N=602 asymptomatic)33, 2% (N=86> 79 years old)33, 3.7% (N=159 29.9% symptomatic)28.

A Retrospective Analysis of Surgical Treatment in Patients With Symptomatic Hallux Rigidus: Long-Term Follow-Up The objective of this retrospective study was to analyze the long-term clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction of operative care in patients with symptomatic hallux rigidus.

A Retrospective Analysis of Surgical Treatment in Patients With Symptomatic Hallux Rigidus: Long-Term Follow-Up The objective of this retrospective study was to analyze the long-term clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction of operative care in patients with symptomatic halluxrigidus.

Henze T, Rieckmann P et Toyka KV. Symptomatic treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Henze T, Rieckmann P en Toyka KV. Symptomatic treatment of multiple sclerosis.

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12. Barnett HJ, Taylor DW, Eliasziw M, Fox AJ, Ferguson GG, Haynes RB, et al. Benefit of carotid endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic moderate or severe stenosis.

of carotid endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic moderate or severe stenosis.

11. European Carotid Surgery Trialists Group. Randomised trial of endarterectomy for recently symptomatic carotid stenosis: final results of the MRC European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST).

recently symptomatic carotid stenosis: final results of the MRC European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST).

International carotid stenting study (ICSS, called previously CAVATAS-2) recruits symptomatic patients with > 50% stenosis. 40 Surgeons are expected to have performed a minimum of 50 carotid operations with an annual rate of at least 10 cases per year.

International carotid stenting study (ICSS, called previously CAVATAS-2) recruits symptomatic patients with > 50% stenosis.40 Surgeons are expected to have performed a minimum of 50 carotid operations with an annual rate of at least 10 cases per year.

The medical risk of any stroke or death in the forthcoming five years in symptomatic persons of the NASCET/ECST trials with a stenosis of 50% (according to the NASCET method) was 21%. 14 That risk was further increased by male sex (23%), old age ( 75 y, 31%), time since last event (< 2 weeks, 32%) and diabetes.

The medical risk of any stroke or death in the forthcoming five years in symptomatic persons of the NASCET/ECST trials with a stenosis of 50% (according to the NASCET method) was 21%.[14] That risk was further increased by male sex (23%), old age ( 75 y, 31%), time since last event (< 2 weeks, 32%) and diabetes.

First and most important, for symptomatic stenosis patients, the number needed to treat to benefit within two years is between 3 to 19, depending on degree of stenosis and age. 15 For asymptomatic stenosis, as the Kaplan Mayer-curve suggests, at least five years of follow-up are needed to recoup the lost life years by increased morbidity and mortality (see further).

First and most important, for symptomatic stenosis patients, the number needed to treat to benefit within two years is between 3 to 19, depending on degree of stenosis and age.15 For asymptomatic stenosis, as the Kaplan Mayer-curve suggests, at least five years of follow-up are needed to recoup the lost life years by increased morbidity and mortality (see further).

A small RCT on CAS in symptomatic patients found significantly higher hospital charges for patients undergoing CAS than for patients undergoing CEA.57 Variable hospital costs, including operating room or catheterisation laboratory, nursing, pharmacy, laboratory and radiology, were not significantly different between CAS and CEA.

A small RCT on CAS in symptomatic patients found significantly higher hospital charges for patients undergoing CAS than for patients undergoing CEA. 57 Variable hospital costs, including operating room or catheterisation laboratory, nursing, pharmacy, laboratory and radiology, were not significantly different between CAS and CEA.

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1 symptomatic ->

Date index: 2022-08-01