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Bloc auriculoventriculaire du second degré
Brûlure du second degré de la tête et du cou
Corrosion du second degré de la tête et du cou
Coup de soleil du second degré
Etat second
Exposition à la fumée de tabac de seconde main
Personnalité multiple Syndrome de Ganser
Second degré
Second métacarpien
Second métatarsien
Utérus du premier degré

Vertaling van "after a second " (Frans → Nederlands) :


Confusion | Etat second | psychogène | Personnalité multiple Syndrome de Ganser

meervoudige persoonlijkheidsstoornis | psychogene schemertoestand | psychogene verwardheid | syndroom van Ganser

Bloc (de) (du):auriculoventriculaire, type I et II | Möbitz, type I et II | second degré, type I et II | Wenckebach

atrioventriculair blok, type I en II | AV-blok, Mobitz type I en II | AV-blok, type Wenckebach | tweedegraads blok, type I en II

Prolapsus (de):col SAI | utérus du:premier degré | second degré

prolaps van cervix NNO | uterusprolaps | eerstegraads | uterusprolaps | tweedegraads
After a second selection based on full text, two papers were retained 27, 28 .

After a second selection based on full text, two papers were retained 26, 27 .

Spontaneous cessation rate: 2.5% OR counselling only: 1.73 Incremental OR NRT gum (relative to counselling only): 1.63 Incremental OR NRT patch (relative to counselling only): 1.79 Incremental OR NRT spray (relative to counselling only): 2.35 Incremental OR NRT inhaler (relative to counselling only): 2.14 Incremental OR Buproprion (relative to counselling only): 2.30 % of smokers still under treatment after the first month: 50% (range 40-60% in sensitivity analysis) % of smokers still under treatment after the second month: 20% (range 1 ...[+++]

Spontaneous cessation rate: 2.5% OR counselling only: 1.73 Incremental OR NRT gum (relative to counselling only): 1.63 Incremental OR NRT patch (relative to counselling only): 1.79 Incremental OR NRT spray (relative to counselling only): 2.35 Incremental OR NRT inhaler (relative to counselling only): 2.14 Incremental OR bupropion (relative to counselling only): 2.30 % of smokers still under treatment after the first month: 50% (range 40-60% in sensitivity analysis) % of smokers still under treatment after the second month: 20% (range 1 ...[+++]

datacenter (12): (

after a second ->

Date index: 2020-12-24