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Vertaling van "al effects of sustained-release " (Frans → Nederlands) :

L’innocuité et l’efficacité de Decapeptyl Sustained Release 22,5 mg n’ont pas été établies chez le nouveau-né, le nourrisson, l’enfant et l’adolescent, c’est pourquoi Decapeptyl Sustained Release 22,5 mg n’est pas indiqué dans ces populations.

De veiligheid en werkzaamheid van Decapeptyl Sustained Release 22,5 mg werden niet onderzocht bij pasgeborenen, zuigelingen, kinderen en adolescenten. Decapeptyl Sustained Release 22,5 mg is daarom niet aangewezen voor gebruik bij deze groepen.

40. Swan GE, McAfee T, Curry SJ, Jack LM, Javitz H, Dacey S et al. Effectiveness of Bupropion sustained release for smoking cessation in a health care setting: a randomized trial.

40. Swan GE, McAfee T, Curry SJ, Jack LM, Javitz H, Dacey S et al. Effectiveness of bupropion sustained release for smoking cessation in a health care setting: a randomized trial.

39. Hatsukami DK, Rennard S, Patel MK, Kotlyar M, Malcolm R, Nides MA et al. Effects of sustained-release Bupropion among persons interested in reducing but not quitting smoking.

39. Hatsukami DK, Rennard S, Patel MK, Kotlyar M, Malcolm R, Nides MA et al. Effects of sustained-release bupropion among persons interested in reducing but not quitting smoking.

12. Jamerson BD, Nides M, Jorenby DE, Donahue R, Garrett P, Johnston JA, et al. Lateterm smoking cessation despite initial failure: an evaluation of Bupropion sustained release, nicotine patch, combination therapy, and placebo.

12. Jamerson BD, Nides M, Jorenby DE, Donahue R, Garrett P, Johnston JA, et al. Lateterm smoking cessation despite initial failure: an evaluation of bupropion sustained release, nicotine patch, combination therapy, and placebo.

13. Jorenby DE, Leischow SJ, Nides MA, Rennard SI, Johnston JA, Hughes AR, et al. A controlled trial of sustained release Bupropion, a nicotine patch or both for smoking cessation.

13. Jorenby DE, Leischow SJ, Nides MA, Rennard SI, Johnston JA, Hughes AR, et al. A controlled trial of sustained release bupropion, a nicotine patch or both for smoking cessation.

A prospective safety surveillance study for Bupropion sustained-release in the treatment of depression.

A prospective safety surveillance study for bupropion sustained-release in the treatment of depression.

L. Allan et al. : Randomised crossover trial of transdermal fentanyl and sustained release oral morphine for treating chronic non-cancer pain.

L. Allan et al.: Randomised crossover trial of transdermal fentanyl and sustained release oral morphine for treating chronic non-cancer pain.

Abernethy A, Currow D, Frith P et al. Randomised, double blind, placebo controlled crossover trial of sustained release

Abernethy A, Currow D, Frith P et al. Randomised, double blind, placebo controlled crossover trial of sustained

Effectiveness of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field and Myofascial Release Versus Acupuncture as Complementary Treatment for Children With Spastic Cerebr [ publication ] [ 1/10/2008 ]

Effectiveness of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field and Myofascial Release Versus Acupuncture as Complementary Treatment for Children With Spastic Cerebr [ publicatie ] [ 1/10/2008 ]

Effectiveness of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field and Myofascial Release Versus Acupuncture as Complementary Treatment for Children With Spastic Cerebr osteopathie cranien, manipulation [ publication ] [ 1/10/2008 ]

Effectiveness of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field and Myofascial Release Versus Acupuncture as Complementary Treatment for Children With Spastic Cerebr craniale osteopathie, manipulaties [ publicatie ] [ 1/10/2008 ]

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al effects of sustained-release ->

Date index: 2023-07-23