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Vertaling van "analysis of comparative studies " (Frans → Nederlands) :

SHAPIRO D.A. & SHAPIRO D., « Meta-analysis of comparative therapy outcome studys : a replication and refinement », Psychological Bulletin, 1982, 92 :.

WILDÖCHER D., « Etats limites », in Actualités de la schizophrénie, Pichot (Dir.), Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1981 : 55-70.

les résultats sont examinés avec d’autres grandes séries (de la littérature nationale et internationale). Cela peut être fait à partir des données de la méta-analyse : ’Retropubic, laparoscopic, and robot-assisted radical prostatectomy : A systematic review and cumulative analysis of comparative studies, V. Ficarra et al., European Urology 55(2009)1037-1063’.

and robot-assisted radical prostatectomy : ‘A systematic review and cumulative analysis of comparative studies, V. Ficarra et al, European Urology 55(2009)1037-1063’.

SHAPIRO D.A. & SHAPIRO D., « Comparative therapy outcome research : methodological implication of meta-analysis », Journal of Consulting Psychology, 1983, 51 : 42-53. SMITH M.L. & GLASS G.V. , « Meta-Analysis of Psychotherapy Outcome Studies », American Psychologist, 1977, 32 : 752-760.

WIDLÖCHER D., « La recherche clinique : principes généraux », in La recherche clinique en psychopathologie, Bourguignon O. & Bydlowski M (Dir.), Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1995 : 9-33 WIDLÖCHER D. & BRACONNIER A (Dir.), « Psychanalyse et psychothérapies », Paris, Flammarion, 1996.

Spontaneous cessation rate: 2.5% OR counselling only: 1.73 Incremental OR NRT gum (relative to counselling only): 1.63 Incremental OR NRT patch (relative to counselling only): 1.79 Incremental OR NRT spray (relative to counselling only): 2.35 Incremental OR NRT inhaler (relative to counselling only): 2.14 Incremental OR Buproprion (relative to counselling only): 2.30 % of smokers still under treatment after the first month: 50% (range 40-60% in sensitivity analysis) % of smokers still under treatment after the second month: 20% (range 15-25% in sensitivity analysis) Lifetime relapse probability after one year of abstinence: 35% (range 10 ...[+++]

Spontaneous cessation rate: 2.5% OR counselling only: 1.73 Incremental OR NRT gum (relative to counselling only): 1.63 Incremental OR NRT patch (relative to counselling only): 1.79 Incremental OR NRT spray (relative to counselling only): 2.35 Incremental OR NRT inhaler (relative to counselling only): 2.14 Incremental OR bupropion (relative to counselling only): 2.30 % of smokers still under treatment after the first month: 50% (range 40-60% in sensitivity analysis) % of smokers still under treatment after the second month: 20% (range 15-25% in sensitivity analysis) Lifetime relapse probability after one year of abstinence: 35% (range 10- ...[+++]

Table 9: Evidence form systematic reviews and meta analysis (breast cancer mortality reduction in intervention group) Study ID Ref Population Intervention Results of meta-analysis Comments Level of evidence

Table 7: Evidence form systematic reviews and meta analysis (breast cancer mortality reduction in intervention group) Study ID Ref Population Intervention Results of meta-analysis Comments Level of evidence

The antihypertensive and lipid lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trial (ALLHAT). JAMA 2002 ; 288 : 2981-2997 (5) PAHOR M, PSATY B, ALERMAN M et al. Health outcomes associated with antagonists compared with other firstlineantihypertensive therapies : a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

The antihypertensive and lipid lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trial (ALLHAT).JAMA 2002; 288: 2981-2997 (5) PAHOR M, PSATY B, ALERMAN M et al. Health outcomes associated with antagonists compared with other firstline antihypertensive therapies : a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

Le but de l'étude « Residential exposure to pesticides and childhood leukaemia : A systematic review and meta-analysis » était de comparer entre elles des données provenant d’études publiées et émanant de plusieurs pays sur l'exposition domestique aux pesticides et l’apparition de la leucémie chez l'enfant, et d'obtenir ainsi une estimation du risque.

De studie “Residential exposure to pesticides and childhood leukaemia : a systematic review and meta-analysis” wilde een onderlinge vergelijking maken tussen gegevens uit gepubliceerde studies en uit verschillende landen over de huiselijke blootstelling aan pesticiden en het voorvallen van leukemie bij kinderen, en zo het risico inschatten.

JAMA 2002 ; 288 : 2981-2997 (6) PAHOR M, PSATY B, ALERMAN M et al. Health outcomes associated with antagonists compared with other first-line antihypertensive therapies : a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

JAMA 2002 ; 288 :2981-2997 (6) PAHOR M, PSATY B, ALERMAN M et al. Health outcomes associated with antagonists compared with other first-line antihypertensive therapies : a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

ePrescription in Belgium (.Powerpoint) : First results of a current situation analysis and a feasability study Dirk Broeckx (APB)

ePrescription : First results of a current situation analysis and a feasability study in Belgium (ppt, 103kb) Dirk Broeckx (APB)

Maki D.G., Bohn M.J., Stolz S.M., et al. Comparative study of cefazolin, cefamandole and vancomycin for surgical prophylaxis in cardiac and vascular operations.

Maki D.G., Bohn M.J., Stolz S.M. et al. Comparative study of cefazolin, cefamandole and vancomycin for surgical prophylaxis in cardiac and vascular operations.

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Date index: 2023-02-08