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Traduction de «area » (Français → Néerlandais) :

CSH Conseil Supérieur d’Hygiène DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Communications GSM Global System for Mobile communications HIPERLAN High Performance Radio Local Area Network PDA Personal Digital Assistant RLAN Radio Local Area Network TETRA TErrestial Trunked Radio TNO Nederlandse organisatie voor toegepast natuur-wetenschappelijk onderzoek VITO Vlaamse instelling voor technologisch onderzoek WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Communications GSM Global System for Mobile communications HGR Hoge Gezondheids raad HIPERLAN High Performance Radio Local Area Network PDA Personal Digital Assistant RLAN Radio Local Area Network TETRA TErrestial Trunked Radio TNO Nederlandse organisatie voor toegepast natuur-wetenschappelijk onderzoek VITO Vlaamse instelling voor technologisch onderzoek WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

All-round Semi-cellular Trunking Radio communication system with Integrated Dispatchings Code Division Multiple Access Digital Audio Broadcasting – Terrestrial Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications Champ électrique Electro-encéphalogramme Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Global System for Mobile Communications Hyper Local Area Network International Agency for Research on Cancer International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Imagerie par résonance magnétique Positron Emission Tomography Power Spectral Density Radio Fréquence Specific Absorption Rate Single photon emission computed tomography Time Divisio ...[+++]

All-round Semi-cellular Trunking Radio communication system with Integrated Dispatchings Code Division Multiple Access Digital Audio Broadcasting - Terrestrial Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications Elektrisch veld Elektro-encephalogram Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Global System for Mobile Communications Hyper Local Area Network International Agency for Research on Cancer International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Magnetic Resonance Imaging Positron Emission Tomography Power Spectral Density Radio Frequentie Specific Absorption Rate Single photon emission computed tomography Time Division Multipl ...[+++]

− Berliner JA, Zimman A. Future of toxicology--lipidomics, an important emerging area for toxicologists: focus on lipid oxidation products.

Berliner JA, Zimman A. Future of toxicology--lipidomics, an important emerging area for toxicologists: focus on lipid oxidation products.

Les principaux résultats des réunions relatives au milieu marin qui se tiendront en 2010, parmi lesquelles l'UN Meeting on Biodiversity in Areas Beyond Nationale Jurisdiction (réunion des N-U sur la biodiversité dans les zones sous juridiction nationale), l'UNCPOLOS (processus consultatif des N-U sur les océans et le droit de la mer), l'UN Regular Process (processus régulier N-U) et la CBD COP10 (COP 10 CDB) doivent être consolidés via cette résolution de l'ONU.

De belangrijkste uitkomsten van de vergaderingen marien milieu die plaatsvinden in 2010, waaronder UN Meeting on Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Juridiction, UNCPOLOS, UN Regular Process en CBD COP10 dienen te worden geconsolideerd via deze UN resolutie.

Pour vérifier la bioéquivalence, on compare les moyennes géométriques* de certains paramètres pharmacocinétiques (e.a. Area Under the Curve ou AUC, et concentration plasmatique maximale ou Cmax) des deux médicaments.

Om de bio-equivalentie na te gaan worden de geometrische gemiddelden* van een aantal farmacokinetische parameters (o.a. Area Under the Curve of AUC, en maximale plasmaconcentratie of Cmax) van de twee geneesmiddelen vergeleken.

Additionally, Pfizer announced that it has signed a lease for laboratory space at the Center for Life Science in the Longwood Medical Area, where it will co-locate with its academic medical center partners.

“We are thrilled that Pfizer has chosen Boston as the location for its newest Center for Therapeutic Innovation -- which will also serve as the program’s world headquarters,” said Mass.

Label Truck parking pour la protection et le service (en anglais): The European Truck Parking Area LABEL Project

Truck parking label voor beveiliging en service (in het Engels): The European Truck Parking Area LABEL Project

Sur le site Internet du département Santé et Sécurité au travail de la Commission européenne, une section est consacrée aux aspects économiques de la gestion de la sécurité et de la santé (en anglais): Areas of activity - Economic aspects of the effective health and safety management.

Op de website van het departement Gezondheid en Veiligheid op het Werk van de Europese Commissie is een onderdeel gewijd aan de economische aspecten van veiligheids- en gezondheidsmanagement (in het Engels): Areas of activity - Economic aspects of the effective health and safety management.

Additionally, Pfizer announced that it has signed a lease for laboratory space at the Center for Life Science in the Longwood Medical Area, where it will co-locate with its academic medical center partners.

“We are thrilled that Pfizer has chosen Boston as the location for its newest Center for Therapeutic Innovation -- which will also serve as the program’s world headquarters,” said Mass.

- - - Collaboration Focused on Addressing Unmet Medical Needs of Patients in Cancer, Cardiovascular, Central Nervous System, and Other Major Therapeutic Areas that Impact the Russian Population

Collaboration Focused on Addressing Unmet Medical Needs of Patients in Cancer, Cardiovascular, Central Nervous System, and Other Major Therapeutic Areas that Impact the Russian Population

D'autres ont cherché : radio local area     hyper local area     important emerging area     area     longwood medical area     truck parking area     

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Date index: 2022-06-03