Distinct energy programmation during brady-pacing and post shock Programmable minima
l and maximal heart rate Activity sensor and rate response
Rate Hysteresis Programmable AV delay after atrial sense or pace Anti-PMT algorithm Defibrillation Defibrill
ation or ATP VT/SVT discrimination algorithms Event Counters
Heart Rate time interval diagnostic ...[+++]s Stored intracardiac electrograms Distinct programmation of right/left ventricular stimulation 4 years warranty on longevity 3 years warranty on longevityDistinct energy programmation during brady-pacing and post shock Programmable minima
l and maximal heart rate Activity sensor and rate response
Rate Hysteresis ProgrammableAV delay after atrial sense or pace Anti-PMT algorithm Defibrillation Defibrill
ation or ATP VT/SVT discrimination algorithms Event Counters
Heart Rate time interval diagnostic ...[+++]s Stored intracardiac electrograms Distinct programmation of right/left ventricular stimulation 4 years warranty on longevity 3 years warranty on longevity