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Traduction de «belgian health » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Dans le cadre des activités du domaine d’excellence ONCOLOGIE, des contacts ont également été pris avec différents comités et organisations sur le plan national, comme la Belgian Society for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, l’Institut fédéral du Cancer, le Collège d’Oncologie, la Belgian Society for Medical Oncology, et avec des comités et organisations au niveau international, comme la Paediatric Oncology Task Force, l’EMA et le National Institute of Health-USA.

In het kader van de werkzaamheden van het speerpunt ONCOLOGIE werd ook contact opgenomen met verschillende nationale comités en organisaties, zoals de Belgian Society for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, het Federaal Kankercentrum, het College voor Oncologie, de Belgian Society for Medical Oncology, en met internationale comités en organisaties zoals de Paediatric Oncology Task Force, het EMA en het National Institute of Health-USA.

Les sites internet des organisations suivantes ont également été explorés: Belgian Health Council, European Union law, EUROCJD, Department of Health UK, UK CJD Disease Surveillance Unit, Spongiform Encefalopathy Advisory Committee (SEAC), EMEA, FDA,WHO.

De websites van de volgende organisaties werden bezocht: Belgian Health Council, European Union law, EUROCJD, Department of Health UK, UK CJD Disease Surveillance Unit, Spongiform Encefalopathy Advisory Committee (SEAC), EMEA, FDA,WHO.

Lecture: A nation-wide project for the revision of the belgian nursing minimum dataset (.Powerpoint) : from concept to implementation by Walter Sermeus, Centre for Health Services Research, Catholic University of Leuven (B)

Lecture: A nation-wide project for the revision of the belgian nursing minimum dataset : from concept to implementation (.Powerpoint) by Walter Sermeus, Centre for Health Services Research, Catholic University of Leuven (B) (Belgian BioElectroMagnetic Group) (rapports d'études sur le réseau haute tension) (Organisation mondiale de la Santé - champs électromagnétiques) (conseils et recommandations du Conseil supérieur de la santé) (Belgian BioElectroMagnetic Group) (onderzoeksrapporten over het hoogspanningsnet) (Wereldgezondheidorganisatie – elektromagnetische velden) (adviezen en aanbevelingen van de Hoge Gezondheidsraad)

Génomique et santé publique en Belgique (CSS 8565) Le 8 février 2010, la National Task Force (NTF) belge «Génomique et Santé publique» a organisé le symposium «How to correctly introduce genome-based knowledge in the Belgian health care services ?».

Public Health Genomics in België (HGR 8565) Op 8 februari 2010 organiseerde de Belgische National Task Force (NTF) rond Public Health Genomics het symposium “How to correctly introduce genome-based knowledge in the Belgian health care services ?”.

In this science - policy advisory report, the Belgian Superior Health Council provides recommendations regarding infection control (Aspergillus and other mould, Legionella, etc) throughout a hospital design and construction project, as well as renovation works and other

In this science - policy advisory report, the Belgian Superior Health Council provides recommendations regarding infection control (Aspergillus and other mould, Legionella, etc) throughout a hospital design and construction project, as well as renovation works and other technical interventions carried out in health facilities; these recommendations are intended for the internal and external players involved in these activities.

Belgian Antibiotic Coordination Committee (BAPCOC) édition 2008 La version pdf est à télécharger via La version papier est à demander via e-mail

Belgian Antibiotic Coordination Committee (BAPCOC) editie 2008 Printvriendelijke versie (pdf) vindt u op Papieren versie kunt u aanvragen via e-mail:

Association Belge des Ostéopathes Classique / Belgische Associatie van Klassieke Osteopaten America Chiropractic Association Anglo-European College of Chiropractic Allied and Complementary Medicine Arrêté Royal Association des Chiropracticiens Belges Belgian School of Osteopathy (Wet) Beroepen in de Individuele Gezondheidszorg Bristish Medical Association Complementary and Alternative Medicine Collège Belge d’Ostéopathie Council of Chiropractic Education Comité Européen de Normalisation European committee for Standardization Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literatur ...[+++]

Allied and Complementary Medicine Koninklijk Besluit Association des Chiropracticiens Belges Belgian School of Osteopathy (Wet) Beroepen in de Individuele Gezondheidszorg Bristish Medical Association Belgisch Staatsblad Complementary and Alternative Medicine Collège Belge d’Ostéopathie Council of Chiropractic Education Comité Européen de Normalisation/ European committee for Standardization Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Debategraph Doctor in chiropractic Diplomed in osteo ...[+++]

09:45 Welcome and introduction by the Belgian minister of Social Affairs and Public Health Ms.

09:45 Welcome and introduction by the Belgian Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health Ms.

Le poster est mis à votre disposition: Belgian health authorities and clinical pharmacy projects (.PDF)

De poster kan u hier raadplegen: Belgian health authorities and clinical pharmacy projects (.PDF).

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belgian health ->

Date index: 2024-07-03