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Adverse Effects
Cancer du côlon héréditaire non polyposique
Cancer papillaire rénal héréditaire
Dépistage d'un cancer
Syndrome de prédisposition au cancer-oligodontie
Système d’électrothérapie du cancer

Vertaling van "cancer screening " (Frans → Nederlands) :


syndrome familial avec prédisposition aux cancers par mutations bialléliques de BRCA2

overgeërfde kankerpredispositie-syndroom door biallelische BRCA2-mutaties

générateur de système de traitement antimitotique du cancer par champ électrique alternatif

generator voor systeem voor antimitotische kankerbehandeling met wisselend elektrisch veld

jeu de transducteurs de système de traitement antimitotique de cancer par champ électrique alternatif

'array transducer' voor systeem voor antimitotische kankerbehandeling met wisselend elektrisch veld

syndrome de prédisposition au cancer-oligodontie

autosomaal dominante ectodermale dysplasie, kankerpredispositiesyndroom

syndrome héréditaire de prédisposition au cancer de l'ovaire

erfelijke plaatsspecifieke eierstokkanker-syndroom

syndrome héréditaire de prédisposition au cancer du sein et de l'ovaire

erfelijk borst- en ovariumkanker-syndroom

Table 4: Search for additional RCTs Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for RCT’s Date 27/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH), mass screening (or early detection) (MESH), mammography (MESH) Medline 1 Randomized controlled trials/ (66083) Medline (OVID): (OVID): 2 Randomized controlled (289038) Filter Filter 3 Random allocation/ (67885) RCT RCT 4 Double blind method/ (105956) 5 Single blind method/ (13834) 6 Clinical (460563) 7 exp clinical trial/ (606505) 8 or/1-7 (718664) 9 (clinic$ adj trial$).tw (146686) 10 ((singl$ or doubl$ or treb$ or tripl$) adj (blind$3 ...[+++]

Table 2: Search for additional RCTs Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for RCT’s Date 27/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH), mass screening (or early detection) (MESH), mammography (MESH) Medline 1 Randomized controlled trials/ (66083) Medline (OVID): (OVID): 2 Randomized controlled (289038) Filter Filter 3 Random allocation/ (67885) RCT RCT 4 Double blind method/ (105956) 5 Single blind method/ (13834) 6 Clinical (460563) 7 exp clinical trial/ (606505) 8 or/1-7 (718664) 9 (clinic$ adj trial$).tw (146686) 10 ((singl$ or doubl$ or treb$ or tripl$) adj (blind$3 ...[+++]

Table 5: Update of evidence found in SR and HTA Search Radiation harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Update of HTA (ETMIS) Date 03/05/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms, mammography/ adverse effects, mass screening/ adverse effects Medline Case (156081) (OVID): 2 (689184) Filter 3 Historical (263481) RCT 4 Review of reported (0) 5 Review, (0) 6 or/1-5 (1099551) 7 Breast/ or Breast Diseases/ (30731) 8 Neoplasms/ (216844) 9 7 and 8 (536) 10 exp Breast Neoplasms/ (171800) 11 (breast$ adj5 neoplas$).tw (2557) 12 (breast$ adj5 cancer$) ...[+++]

Table 3: Update of evidence found in SR and HTA Search Radiation harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Update of HTA (ETMIS) Date 03/05/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms, mammography/ adverse effects, mass screening/ adverse effects Medline Case (156081) (OVID): 2 (689184) Filter 3 Historical (263481) RCT 4 Review of reported (0) 5 Review, (0) 6 or/1-5 (1099551) 7 Breast/ or Breast Diseases/ (30731) 8 Neoplasms/ (216844) 9 7 and 8 (536) 10 exp Breast Neoplasms/ (171800) 11 (breast$ adj5 neoplas$).tw (2557) 12 (breast$ adj5 cancer$) ...[+++]

Selon le National Cancer Institute américain, la plupart des directives de screening (un 'screening' est un dépistage en masse d'un type de cancer déterminé dans la population) conviennent pour les personnes infectées par le VIH.

Volgens het Amerikaanse National Cancer Institute zijn de meeste screeningsrichtlijnen – een ‘screening’ is een massale opsporing van een bepaald soort kanker onder de bevolking – geschikt voor mensen die leven met hiv.

Biopsy rates are higher among women aged 70 to 79 years (12.2 per 1000 women per screening round) than among younger women. As expected, the number of screen detectedd cancer is highest in this age group.

As expected, the number of screen detectedd cancer is highest in this age group.

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16. Andersson I, Aspegren K, Janzon L, Landberg T, Lindholm K, Linell F, et al. Mammographic screening and mortality from breast cancer: the Malmo mammographic screening trial.

16. Tabar L, Dean PB, Kaufman CS, Duffy SW, Chen HH.

39. Theberge I, Hebert-Croteau N, Langlois A, Major D, Brisson J. Volume of screening mammography and performance in the Quebec population-based Breast Cancer Screening Program.

40. Theberge I, Hebert-Croteau N, Langlois A, Major D, Brisson J. Volume of screening mammography and performance in the Quebec population-based Breast Cancer Screening Program.

Le PLCO Screening Trial n'a pas pu, lui non plus, établir de lien entre le taux de vitamine D et le risque de cancer du pancréas.

Ook de PLCO Screening Trial kon geen verband aantonen tussen de vitamine D-waarde en het risico op pancreaskanker.

D’autre part, toutes les femmes dont le cancer est diagnostiqué par screening deviennent malades du cancer deux ou trois ans plus tôt qu’en cas de diagnostic clinique.

Anderzijds worden alle vrouwen bij wie de diagnose van kanker wordt gesteld door middel van screening, twee tot drie jaar eerder ziek dan in het geval van een klinische diagnose.

Malnutrition Screening Tool for Cancer patients (MSTC) | Fondation contre le Cancer

Malnutrition Screening Tool for Cancer patients (MSTC) | Stichting tegen Kanker

Table 10: Evidence form HTA review : Breast cancer screening among women aged 40 – 49 Relative risks (intention to treat) with confidence reported for each study together with the results of a stepwise meta-analysis and cumulative CI Study ID Relative risk Confidence interval Cumulative RR Cumutlative CI UK Age Trial (UK) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) NBSS-1 (Canada) 0,97 (0,74-1,27) 0,89 (0,75-1,06) Malmö (Sweden) (0,58-1,77) 0,9 (0,76-1,06) Stockholm (Sweden) 1,08 (0,54-2,17) 0,91 (0,77-1,07) Göteborg (Sweden) 0,65 (0,40-1,05) 0,87 (0,75-1,02) HIP (USA) 0,75 (0,50-1,11) 0,86 (0,74-0,99) TCS (Sweden) 0,93 (0,63-1,36) 0,86 (0,75-0,99 ...[+++]

Table 8: Evidence form HTA review : Breast cancer screening among women aged 40 – 49 Relative risks (intention to treat) with confidence reported for each study together with the results of a stepwise meta-analysis and cumulative CI Study ID Relative risk Confidence interval Cumulative RR Cumutlative CI UK Age Trial (UK) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) NBSS-1 (Canada) 0,97 (0,74-1,27) 0,89 (0,75-1,06) Malmö (Sweden) (0,58-1,77) 0,9 (0,76-1,06) Stockholm (Sweden) 1,08 (0,54-2,17) 0,91 (0,77-1,07) Göteborg (Sweden) 0,65 (0,40-1,05) 0,87 (0,75-1,02) HIP (USA) 0,75 (0,50-1,11) 0,86 (0,74-0,99) TCS (Sweden) 0,93 (0,63-1,36) 0,86 (0,75-0,99) ...[+++]

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Date index: 2023-07-21