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Vertaling van "care clinical " (Frans → Nederlands) :

Clinical audit is an implicit part of this aim, and it is as applicable to all osteopathic clinicians. The aim is to recognize audit and evaluation as an opportunity rather than a threat to clinical autonomy thereby benefiting both patients and clinicians .ABSTRACT Chronic low back pain patient groups in primary care BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Chronic pain syndromes, especially chronic low back pain is one of the most prevalent diseases in Western populations and is one of the most common reasons for primary care consultations.

The purmose of this study is to determine if the site of SMT application modulates the effect of SMT in an anesthetized feline model .MORE Differences between patients with chronic widespread pain and chronic LBP BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Chronic pain is a common reason for consultation in general practice.

° American College of Physicians ° Primary Care - Clinical Practice Guidelines ° U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Guide to Clinical Preventive Services ° National Guideline Clearinghouse ° AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) ° Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (US) - Pédiatrie

° American College of Physicians ° Primary Care - Clinical Practice Guidelines ° U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Guide to Clinical Preventive Services ° AHRQ [Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality]

Remerciements : Pour son aide précieuse relative à la méta-analyse : Cécile Dubois (KCE) Pour leur contribution au scoring des indicateurs : Raf Brouns et Matthieu Rutgers (Belgian Stroke Council) Pour la validation de la description de leur pays : Suède : Kiell Asplund (Chair, Risks Stroke Umea), Bo Norrving (Professor, Lund University-Steering committee member Riks stroke) Pays-Bas : Martien Limburg (Neuroloog, Flevoziekenhuis, Almere, Stichting Kennisnetwerk) Ecosse : Martin Dennis (Division of Clinical Neurosciences – Western General Hospital University of Edinburgh), Peter Langhorne (Professor of Stroke ...[+++]

Acknowledgements: Voor haar waardevolle bijdrage in het gedeelte over meta-analyse: Cécile Dubois (KCE) Voor hun bijdrage bij het scoren van de indicatoren: Raf Brouns en Matthieu Rutgers (Belgian Stroke Council) Voor het valideren van de informatie over hun land: Zweden: Kiell Asplund (Chair, Risks Stroke Umeal), Bo Norrving (Professor, Lund University-Steering committee member Riks stroke) Nederland: Martien Limburg (Neuroloog, Flevoziekenhuis, Almere, Stichting Kennisnetwerk); Schotland: Martin Dennis (Division of Clinical Neurosciences – Western General Hospital University of Edinburgh), Peter Langhorne (Professor ...[+++]

° Canadian Medical Association (Clinical Practice Guidelines) ° Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care ° Clinical practice guidelines (Guidelines Advisory Committee Ontario)

° Canadian Medical Association [Clinical Practice Guidelines] ° Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care ° Clinical practice guidelines [Guidelines Advisory Committee Ontario]

La recherche de directives sur les “evidence based websites” classiques (Cochrane Library, US National Clearinghouse, NICE, SIGN, New Zealand Guidelines Group, National Health and Medical Research Council, Prodigy, CMA Infobase, GAC guidelines, Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines, AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Clinical Evidence, National Library for Health (Guideline Finder), SumSearch) avec les termes de recherche “ ‘pneumonia’ and ‘nursing home’ “ ne donne aucun résultat.

Zoeken op de klassieke evidence based websites voor richtlijnen (Cochrane Library, US National Clearinghouse, NICE, SIGN, New Zealand Guidelines Group, National Health and Medical Research Council, Prodigy, CMA Infobase, GAC guidelines, Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines, AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Clinical Evidence, National Library for Health (Guideline Finder), SumSearch) met de zoekterm “ ‘pneumonia’ and ‘nursing home’ “ levert geen resultaat op.

„They are designed to help practitioners assimilate, evaluate and implement the everincreasing amount of evidence and opinion on best current practice. Clinical guidelines are intended as neither cookbook nor textbook but, where there is evidence of variation in practice which affects patient outcomes and a strong research base providing evidence of effective practice, guidelines can assist doctors and other health care professionals in making decisions about appropriate and effective care for their patients.

variation in practice which affects patient outcomes and a strong research base providing evidence of effective practice, guidelines can assist doctors and other health care professionals in making decisions about appropriate and effective care for their patients.

Les mots clés suivants ont été utilisés : ÿ perioperative care Ÿ and ÿ routine test Ÿ, puis ÿ preoperative test Ÿ. Pour trouver les directives et les revues, les sites suivants ont été consultés : Medline ( limites : guidelines ou RCT), NICE, Health Council of the Netherlands (HCN), National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), International Network of Agencies for HealthTechnology Assessment (INAHTA) et Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI).

Daarbij werden de volgende zoektermen gebruikt : ÿ perioperative care Ÿ en ÿ routine test Ÿ, vervolgens ÿ preoperative test Ÿ. De volgende sites werden geraaadpleegd : Medline (criteria: guidelines of RCT), NICE, Nederlandse Gezondheidsraad (HCN), National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) en Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI).

GC et al. Effectiveness of dementia follow-up care by memory clinics or general practitioners: randomised controlled trial.

Aa GC et al. Effectiveness of dementia follow-up care by memory clinics or general practitioners: randomised controlled trial.

LÊInstitute of Medicine des Etats-Unis présente lÊessence du concept de „recommandation de bonne pratique‰ en le définissant comme suit : „systematically developed statements to assist practitioners and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances‰.

De definitie van het Amerikaanse Institute of Medicine geeft de essentie van het begrip „praktijkrichtlijn‰ gevat weer: „systematically developed statements to assist practitioners and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances‰.

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Date index: 2023-10-01