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Traduction de «care for specific » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Quant aux autres formalités nécessaires, celles-ci restent inchangées: le bénéficiaire doit renvoyer une fois par mois à sa mutuelle ce formulaire que vous pouve z également télécharger sur notre site, à l’adresse suivante : [http ...]

Wat de andere nodige formaliteiten betreft, deze blijven ongewijzigd: de rechthebbende moet dit formulier één keer per maand terugsturen aan zijn mutualiteit, u kan het bovendien downloaden via onze site op het volgende adres: [http ...]

Introduction to the RAI instrument (.Powerpoint) Its use both in specific contexts and as a link between health care practitioners Prof Jean-Claude Henrard (Université René Descartes, Paris-France)

Introduction to the RAI instrument : Its use both in specific contexts and as a link between health care practitioners (ppt, 196kb) Prof Jean-Claude Henrard (Université René Descartes, Paris-France)

Specific residential facilities in which care can be provided in a home that there is general lack of nurses in the Belgian hospitals. Moreover, the or home-replacing environment.

Specific residential facilities in which care can be provided in a home continuously rising and changing demand for health services, due to or home-replacing environment.

There are disease specific and generic health-related quality of life measures, profile measures or single index measures, health-related quality of life can be assessed by patients themselves or by health care providers or family and valuation of a health state can be done by means of a Time- Trade-Off, Standard Gamble or Rating Scale.

There are disease specific and generic health-related quality of life measures, profile measures or single index measures, health-related quality of life can be assessed by patients themselves or by health care providers or family and valuation of a health state can be done by means of a Time-Trade-Off, Standard Gamble or Rating Scale.

LÊInstitute of Medicine des Etats-Unis présente lÊessence du concept de „recommandation de bonne pratique‰ en le définissant comme suit : „systematically developed statements to assist practitioners and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances‰.

De definitie van het Amerikaanse Institute of Medicine geeft de essentie van het begrip „praktijkrichtlijn‰ gevat weer: „systematically developed statements to assist practitioners and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances‰.

D'autres ont cherché : renvoyer une fois     between health care     both in specific     which care     specific     health care     disease specific     appropriate health care for specific     care for specific     

datacenter (12): (

care for specific ->

Date index: 2021-06-07