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Traduction de «care provider » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Accueil | Actualités | Healing Iraqi's: The challenges of providing mental health care in Iraq

Home | Actueel | Healing Iraqi's: The challenges of providing mental health care in Iraq

Healing Iraqi's: The challenges of providing mental health care in Iraq | Médecins Sans Frontières

Healing Iraqi's: The challenges of providing mental health care in Iraq | Artsen Zonder Grenzen

„They are designed to help practitioners assimilate, evaluate and implement the everincreasing amount of evidence and opinion on best current practice. Clinical guidelines are intended as neither cookbook nor textbook but, where there is evidence of variation in practice which affects patient outcomes and a strong research base providing evidence of effective practice, guidelines can assist doctors and other health care professionals in making decisions about appropriate and effective care for their patients.

variation in practice which affects patient outcomes and a strong research base providing evidence of effective practice, guidelines can assist doctors and other health care professionals in making decisions about appropriate and effective care for their patients.

Les différents flux transitant au travers de la plateforme d’échange MyCareNet sont décrits dans le document « MyCareNet - Care Provider Implementation Guide », disponible, en anglais, auprès du collège intermutualiste national (CIN).

De verschillende stromen die via MyCareNet gecommuniceerd worden staan in het document « MyCareNet – Care Provider Implementation Guide » beschreven, die enkel in het Engels beschikbaar is, bij het Nationaal Intermutualistisch College (NIC).

i : Données belges les plus récentes. Les données de l'OCDE les plus récentes pour la Belgique datent de 2007 ; ii 72% des personnes décédées à leur domicile ont eu un contact avec leur médecin généraliste durant leur dernière semaine de vie (données nationales indisponibles, chiffres tirés d'une seule étude des Mutualités Chrétiennes) ; iii L'indice UPC (Usual Provider of Care) est la proportion des contacts avec le médecin généraliste habituel d'un patient.

72% van de personen die thuis overlijden hebben een huisarts gezien tijdens de laatste levensweek (geen nationale gegevens, waarden gebaseerd op één enkele studie van het Christelijk Ziekenfonds). iii UPC, de Usual Provider of Care index, is het percentage contacten met de eigen huisarts van een patiënt; 1 wijst erop dat de patiënt altijd dezelfde huisarts zag; de indicator vertegenwoordigtt het percentage patiënten met een UPC van minstens 0,75; d.w.z. die minstens 3 contacten op 4 hadden met hun eigen huisarts.

139 It implies that community services should be which evaluates the number of full-time equivalents (FTE) of active offered whenever possible, while hospital servicess should be available physicians. For the first time, preliminary counts of the number of when ambulatory care cannot provide a good answer to the patient’s practising nurses by sector of activity are now available. needs.

139 It implies that community services should be physicians. For the first time, preliminary counts of the number of offered whenever possible, while hospital servicess should be available practising nurses by sector of activity are now available. when ambulatory care cannot provide a good answer to the patient’s needs.

Specific residential facilities in which care can be provided in a home that there is general lack of nurses in the Belgian hospitals. Moreover, the or home-replacing environment.

Specific residential facilities in which care can be provided in a home continuously rising and changing demand for health services, due to or home-replacing environment.

Le Queens Bench a déclaré :ÿ The test is the standard of the ordinary skilled man exercising and professing to have that special skill ( ) the standard of care provided by a medical practioner, in law, depends upon what is done in practice Ÿ 91 .

De Queens Bench stelde dat: „The test is the standard of the ordinary skilled man exercising and professing to have that special skill ( ) the standard of care provided by a medical practioner, in law, depends upon what is done in practice‰ 91 .

There are disease specific and generic health-related quality of life measures, profile measures or single index measures, health-related quality of life can be assessed by patients themselves or by health care providers or family and valuation of a health state can be done by means of a Time- Trade-Off, Standard Gamble or Rating Scale.

There are disease specific and generic health-related quality of life measures, profile measures or single index measures, health-related quality of life can be assessed by patients themselves or by health care providers or family and valuation of a health state can be done by means of a Time-Trade-Off, Standard Gamble or Rating Scale.

The availability of the whole health information of a patient at any time by all care providers is a central question, linked to the one of the patient electronic medical record, and to the access to it. Two indicators under development reflect this issue: the % of general practices with access to the hospital data of their patient, and the % of

patient electronic medical record, and to the access to it. Two indicators under development reflect this issue: the % of general practices with access to the hospital data of their patient, and the % of

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care provider ->

Date index: 2024-02-10