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Biopsie de la corde vocale
Cellulite de la corde vocale
Corde vocale
Corde vocale droite
Corde vocale gauche
Corde à linge d'assistance pour la lessive
Entière corde vocale
Kyste des cordes vocales
Maladie des cordes vocales

Vertaling van "cord blood " (Frans → Nederlands) :


agression par contrainte physique avec une corde ou un câble

aanval door fysieke vrijheidsbeperking met touw of koord

Mots clés Mesh terms* Sleutelwoorden Mots clés Stichwörter Cord blood Fetal blood navelstrengbloed Sang de cordon Nabelschnurblut Allogeneic Homologous allogeen Allogénique allogen transplantation Stem cells Stem cells Stamcellen Cellules souches Stammzellen HLA Human and HLA HLA HLA histocompatibility Tissue establishments Tissue banks weefselbanken Banques de tissus Gewebebanken quality Kwaliteit Qualité Qualität Hematological malignancies Hematologic neoplasms kwaadaardige hemopathieën Hémopathies malignes maligne hämatologische

Keywords Mesh terms* Sleutelwoorden Mots clés Stichwörter Cord blood Fetal blood navelstrengbloed Sang de cordon Nabelschnurblut Allogeneic Homologous allogeen Allogénique allogen transplantation Stem cells Stem cells Stamcellen Cellules souches Stammzellen HLA Human and HLA HLA HLA histocompatibility Tissue establishments Tissue banks weefselbanken Banques de tissus Gewebebanken quality Kwaliteit Qualité Qualität Hematological malignancies Hematologic neoplasms kwaadaardige hemopathieën Hémopathies malignes maligne hämatologische

NAVARRETE Cristina immunologie, transplantation NHS Cord blood bank, British bone marrow registry, NHSBT, UK NOENS Lucien hématologie UZ Gent SELLESLAG Dominik médecine interne, Hématologie AZ Brugge STRAETMANS Nicole hématologie, thérapie cellulaire Hôpital de Jolimont VAN RIET Ivan médecine, thérapie cellulaire UZ Brussel ZACHEE Pierre hématologie ZNA Antwerpen

NOENS Lucien hematologie UZ Gent SELLESLAG Dominik interne geneeskunde, AZ Brugge hematologie STRAETMANS Nicole hematologie, celtherapie Hôpital de Jolimont VAN RIET Ivan geneeskunde, celtherapie UZ Brussel ZACHEE Pierre hematologie ZNA Antwerpen

GLUCKMAN Eliane Hématologie Eurocord Paris France NAVARRETE Cristina Immunologie, transplantation NHS Cord blood bank, British bone marrow registry, NHSBT, UK

GLUCKMAN Eliane hematologie Eurocord Paris France NAVARRETE Cristina immunologie, transplantatie NHS Cord blood bank, British bone marrow registry, NHSBT, UK

Daniela Cipolloni: « All those lies spread by private umbilical-cord blood banks » (Oggi Scienza, Italie)

Daniela Cipolloni: “ Tutte le bugie delle banche private del cordone / All those lies spread by private umbilical-cord blood banks " (tijdschrift Oggi Scienza, Italië)

For more results, go to to translate your documents with Wordscope Pro!
- Rebulla P. Cord blood banking and transplantation in 2010 - Transfusion and Apheresis Science 2010; 42:253-4.

- Rebulla P. Cord blood banking and transplantation in 2010 - Transfusion and Apheresis Science 2010; 42:253-4.

- Kogler G, Critser P, Trapp T, Yoder M. Future of cord blood for non-oncology uses.

- Kögler G, Critser P, Trapp T, Yoder M. Future of cord blood for non-oncology uses.

- Francese R, Fiorina P. Immunological and regenerative properties of cord blood stem cells - Clin Immunol 2010; 136(3):309-22.

- Francese R, Fiorina P. Immunological and regenerative properties of cord blood stem cells - Clin Immunol 2010; 136(3):309-22.

- Kogler G, Radke TF, Lefort A, Sensken S, Fischer J, Sorg RV, et al. Cytokine production and hematopoiesis supporting activity of cord blood-derived unrestricted somatic stem cells.

- Kögler G, Radke TF, Lefort A, Sensken S, Fischer J, Sorg RV, et al. Cytokine production and hematopoiesis supporting activity of cord blood-derived unrestricted somatic stem cells.

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Date index: 2024-07-21