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Traduction de «death » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Liste des abréviations utilisées ADN Acide désoxyribonucléique AST Aspartate amino transférase CI Cold ischemia CIT Cold ischemia time CSS Conseil Supérieur de la Santé DBD Donation after brain death or HBD DCD Donation after cardiac death or NHBD DGF Delayed graft function EC EuroCollins ECD Extended/expanded criteria donors ECMO Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation EVLP Ex vivo lung perfusion HBD Heart-beating donors or DBD HMP Hypothermic machine perfusion HOPE Hypothermic oxygenated perfusion HTK Histidine-tryptophane-ketoglutarate IRI Ischemia-reperfusion injury ISHLT International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation L-FABP Li ...[+++]

Lijst van de gebruikte afkortingen ASAT Aspartaat-aminotransferase CI Cold ischemia CIT Cold ischemia time DBD Donation after brain death or HBD DCD Donation after cardiac death or NHBD DGF Delayed graft function DNA Desoxyribonucleïnezuur EC EuroCollins ECD Extended/expanded criteria donors ECMO Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation EVLP Ex vivo lung perfusion HBD Heart-beating donors or DBD HGR Hoge Gezondheidsraad HMP Hypothermic machine perfusion HOPE Hypothermic oxygenated perfusion HTK Histidine-tryptophane-ketoglutarate IRI Ischemia-reperfusion injury ISHLT International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation L-FABP Liver type f ...[+++]

The graphs „Medical treatment‰ and „trial centres‰ show the results of the ACST/ACAS trials (expressed as constant hazards of stroke or death from the trials and age dependent hazards of all other cause mortality from the Flemish male life table at age 70 in the year 2000). 18 Intervention starts with a short period of high (peri-procedural) mortality, but the lower post-procedural hazard of death will overtake the higher hazard of medical treatment.

The graphs „Medical treatment‰ and „trial centres‰ show the results of the ACST/ACAS trials (expressed as constant hazards of stroke or death from the trials and age dependent hazards of all other cause mortality from the Flemish male life table at age 70 in the year 2000).[18] Intervention starts with a short period of high (peri-procedural) mortality, but the lower post-procedural hazard of death will overtake the higher hazard of medical treatment.

To asses the effects of poorer outcomes, we added the peri-procedural mortality of low volume centres in the US, using the observed risk ratio of death to the risks of stroke or death; low volume centres showed a 1.8 times higher peri-procedural mortality. 50

To asses the effects of poorer outcomes, we added the peri-procedural mortality of low volume centres in the US, using the observed risk ratio of death to the risks of stroke or death; low volume centres showed a 1.8 times higher peri-procedural mortality.[50]

En effet, le nombre de donneurs standards est de plus en plus faible ce qui amène à recourir plus largement aux extended criteria donors et aux donors after cardiac death.

Er zijn steeds minder standaardorgaandonoren beschikbaar, zodat vaker gebruik wordt gemaakt van extended criteria donors en donors after cardiac death.

Corrado D, Pelliccia A, Bjornstad HH, Vanhees L, Biffi A, Borjesson M et al. Cardiovascular preparticipation screening of young competitive athletes for prevention of sudden death: proposal for a common European protocol.

Corrado D, Pelliccia A, Bjornstad HH, Vanhees L, Biffi A, Borjesson M et al. Cardiovascular pre-participation screening of young competitive athletes for prevention of sudden death: proposal for a common European protocol.

In this scientific advisory report, the Superior Health Council provides an expert opinion on screening for cardiac abnormalities that predispose to sudden cardiac death among the adolescents and young adults

In this scientific advisory report, the Superior Health Council provides an expert opinion on screening for cardiac abnormalities that predispose to

Des données chez l’homme sont maintenant disponibles pour les reins, poumons et cœurs et confirment les avantages et la sécurité de la machine à perfusion en particulier pour les extended criteria donors et les donors after cardiac death.

Voor de mens zijn er op dit ogenblik gegevens beschikbaar voor de nieren, de longen en het hart en bevestigen ze de voordelen en de veiligheid van de machinale perfusie, vooral voor de extended criteria donors en de donors after cardiac death.

Implémentation de la machine à perfusion Le CSS recommande donc l’implémentation de la machine à perfusion afin de diminuer le fossé entre la demande d’organes et l’approvisionnement en Belgique en commençant par les reins de donneurs extended criteria donors et donors after cardiac death.

Toepassing van de machinale perfusie De HGR adviseert dan ook de toepassing van de machinale perfusie om in België de kloof tussen de vraag naar organen en het aanbod ervan te verkleinen, en daarbij te beginnen met de nieren van extended criteria donoren en after cardiac death donoren.

Middle trimester, perinatal death rate: In white women (n = 10,074): – without proteinuria and < 90 mmHg = 15.2 – without proteinuria and º 90 mmHg = 25.8 – with proteinuria and < 90 mmHg = 38.5 – with proteinuria and º 90 mmHg = 17.0 In black women (n = 2880): – without proteinuria

perinatal death rate: In white women (n = 10,074): – without proteinuria and < 90 mmHg = 15.2 – without proteinuria and º 90 mmHg = 25.8 – with proteinuria and < 90 mmHg = 38.5 – with proteinuria and º 90 mmHg = 17.0 In black women (n = 2880): – without proteinuria and < 90 mmHg = 20.3 – without proteinuria and º 90 mmHg = 34.6 – with proteinuria and 90 mmHg = 56.6 – with proteinuria and º 90 mmHg = 142.9

Ce problème a gagné en importance en raison de la détérioration du profil du donneur et de l’utilisation croissante des ECD (= donneurs en mort cérébrale mais présentant une comorbidité telle que grand âge, hypertension, taux élevé de créatinine etc) et des donneurs à cœur non battant (non-heart-beating donor (NHBD) ou DCD = donation after cardiac death) (voir annexe 5.1.).

Deze kwestie wordt alsmaar belangrijker wegens het verslechterde donorprofiel en het toenemend gebruik van ECD’s (= hersendode donoren maar met comorbiditeit zoals hogere leeftijd, hypertensie, hoog creatininegehalte, enz) en hartdode donoren (non-heart-beating donor (NHBD) of DCD = donation after cardiac death).

D'autres ont cherché : after brain death     stroke or death     ratio of death     after cardiac death     sudden death     sudden cardiac death     perinatal death     death     

datacenter (12): (

death ->

Date index: 2020-12-13