Source Statement ACA Not included ACP Not included ASA Selected patients : Agreement : 90 % of consultants, 92 % ASA Members To consider : smoking, recent infection, COPD, and cardiac disease ICSI Selected patients with signs or symptoms suggesting new or unstable cardiopulmonary disease INAHTA Chest X-ray abnormality correspond more closely with ASA status than with age (McCleane) i The results of between 0% and 2.1% of chest X-rays leads to a change in management Th
ere is no published evidence that routine preoperative chest X-rays decrease perioperative risks ii . NICE Minor surgery: ASA I : not indicated ASA II : consider > 40 y if
...[+++]respiratory or CV disease ASA III : consider if respiratory or CV disease Intermediate surgery: ASA I : not indicated ASA II : consider if respiratory or CV disease (renal > 60y) ASA III : consider if respiratory, CV or renal disease Major surgery: ASA I : consider > 60 ASA II : consider if respiratory, CV or renal disease ASA III : consider if respiratory, CV or renal disease
Source Statement ACA Not included ACP Not included ASA Selected patients : Agreement : 90 % of consultants, 92 % ASA Members To consider : smoking, recent infection, COPD, and cardiac disease ICSI Selected patients with signs or symptoms suggesting new or unstable cardiopulmonary disease INAHTA Chest X-ray abnormality correspond more closely with ASA status than with age (McCleane) i The results of between 0% and 2.1% of chest X-rays leads to a change in management There is no published evidence that routine preoperative chest X-rays decrease