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Traduction de «exposure to tobacco smoke » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Le rapport du Surgeon General aux États-Unis (The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke - 2006).

Het rapport van de Surgeon General in de VS (The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke - 2006).

Le rapport " The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke" (2006) le laisse aussi supposer, sans pour autant le prouver de manière certaine.

Het rapport " The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke" (2006) laat dit eveneens verstaan, zonder het echter haarscherp te bewijzen.

EU: Exposure to second hand tobacco smoke reduced, but still too high, says Commission report 22/02/2013

EU: Exposure to second hand tobacco smoke reduced, but still too high, says Commission report 22-02-2013

Voici la synthèse des conclusions de l’OMS (International Consultation on Environmental Tobacco Smoke and child Health, World Health Organisation, Consultation Rapport, 1999) sur le tabagisme passif des enfants.

Dit is de synthese van de conclusies van de WGO (International Consultation on Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Child Health, World Health Organisation, Consultation Rapport, 1999) over passief roken bij kinderen.

Protect people from tobacco smoke (protéger tout le monde contre la fumée de la cigarette)

Protect people from tobacco smoke (bescherm iedereen tegen sigarettenrook)

S. Zevin et N.L. Benowitz: Drug interactions with tobacco smoking.

S. Zevin en N.L. Benowitz: Drug interactions with tobacco smoking.

E-fact 61 - Tobacco: advice for employers on creating a smoke-free working environment ( 29/05/2012 )

E-fact 61 - Tobacco: advice for employers on creating a smoke-free working environment ( 29-05-2012 )

datacenter (12): (

exposure to tobacco smoke ->

Date index: 2022-08-19