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Rippling muscle disease
Rippling muscle disease avec myasthenia gravis
Virus Border disease
Virus Borna disease
Virus Bovine mucosal disease
Virus Jembrana disease
Virus Lymphocystis disease
Virus Nairobi sheep disease

Traduction de «for disease management » (Français → Néerlandais) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous

virus Epizootic hemorrhagic disease, New Jersey

epizootisch hemorrhagische ziekte, New Jersey-virus

Source Statement ACA Not included ACP Not included ASA Selected patients : Agreement : 90 % of consultants, 92 % ASA Members To consider : smoking, recent infection, COPD, and cardiac disease ICSI Selected patients with signs or symptoms suggesting new or unstable cardiopulmonary disease INAHTA Chest X-ray abnormality correspond more closely with ASA status than with age (McCleane) i The results of between 0% and 2.1% of chest X-rays leads to a change in management There is ...[+++]

Source Statement ACA Not included ACP Not included ASA Selected patients : Agreement : 90 % of consultants, 92 % ASA Members To consider : smoking, recent infection, COPD, and cardiac disease ICSI Selected patients with signs or symptoms suggesting new or unstable cardiopulmonary disease INAHTA Chest X-ray abnormality correspond more closely with ASA status than with age (McCleane) i The results of between 0% and 2.1% of chest X-rays leads to a change in management There is ...[+++]

De plus, suite à l’impulsion donnée par la France lors de sa dernière présidence du Conseil de l’Union européenne, la Belgique participe au groupe de réflexion dirigé par l’Institut français de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Insenn) sur les maladies neurodégénératives, incluant en particulier la maladie d’Alzheimer (Management Boardmeeting of the Joint Programming Initiative on Combating neurodegenerative diseases, inparticular Alzhe ...[+++]

Naar aanleiding van de impuls die door Frankrijk tijdens diens laatste voorzitterschap van de Europese Unie werd gegeven, neemt België bovendien deel aan een denktank over neurodegeneratieve ziekten, die in het bijzonder gericht is op de ziekte van Alzheimer, en die door het Franse Instituut voor Gezondheid en Medisch Onderzoek (INSERM) wordt geleid (Management Board meeting of the Joint Programming Initiative on Combatting neurodegenerative diseases, inpartic ...[+++]

“AD caregivers are typically the first to notice when their loved one’s symptoms are becoming worse and whether the disease may be progressing to the next stage, which is why caregivers are essential partners in disease management discussions,” said Barry W. Rovner, M.D., director of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and professor in the departments of Neurology and Psychiatry at Thomas Jefferson University , Philadelphia .

“AD caregivers are typically the first to notice when their loved one’s symptoms are becoming worse and whether the disease may be progressing to the next stage, which is why caregivers are essential partners in disease management discussions,” said Barry W. Rovner, M.D., director of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and professor in the departments of Neurology and Psychiatry at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia.

“AD caregivers are typically the first to notice when their loved one’s symptoms are becoming worse and whether the disease may be progressing to the next stage, which is why caregivers are essential partners in disease management discussions,” said Barry W. Rovner, M.D., director of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and professor in the departments of Neurology and Psychiatry at Thomas Jefferson University , Philadelphia .

“AD caregivers are typically the first to notice when their loved one’s symptoms are becoming worse and whether the disease may be progressing to the next stage, which is why caregivers are essential partners in disease management discussions,” said Barry W. Rovner, M.D., director of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and professor in the departments of Neurology and Psychiatry at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia.

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Les Mutualités Libres pensent qu’e-Health offre des opportunités importantes pour les soins de santé. C’est pourquoi elles s’investissent dans des initiatives comme ZorgTV (télévision interactive à destination des patients diabétiques) ou la présidence du groupe de travail de Disease Management de l’Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM).

De Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen zijn van mening dat eHealth belangrijke opportuniteiten inhoudt voor de gezondheidszorg, vandaar de investeringen in initiatieven als Zorg TV en hun voorzitterschap van de werkgroep Disease management van de Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM).

Remote Intra-Thoracic Impedance Monitoring as part of a Heart Failure Disease Management Program in NYHA III-IV patients

Remote Intra-Thoracic Impedance Monitoring as part of a Heart Failure Disease Management Program in NYHA III-IV patients

Eshaghian S, Kaul S, Amin S, Shah PK et Diamond GA: Role of clopidogrel in managing atherothrombotic cardiovascular disease.

Eshaghian S, Kaul S, Amin S, Shah PK en Diamond GA: Role of clopidogrel in managing atherothrombotic cardiovascular disease.

Eshaghian S, Kaul S, Amin S, Shah PK et Diamond GA: Role of clopidogrel in managing atherothrombotic cardiovascular disease.

Eshaghian S, Kaul S, Amin S, Shah PK en Diamond GA: Role of clopidogrel in managing atherothrombotic cardiovascular disease.

Partant dÊune médecine fondée sur des données probantes, lÊIQWIG jette en outre les bases de nouveaux Disease Management Programs, programmes structurés pour les malades chroniques.

Op basis van evidence–based geneeskunde legt het IQWIG daarnaast de grondslag voor nieuwe Disease Management Programs, gestructureerde behandelingsprogramma's voor chronisch zieken.

Les meilleurs résultats sont obtenus lorsque la VIB est combinée avec un disease management programme.

De beste resultaten worden behaald wanneer VBI gecombineerd wordt met een “disease management programma”.

datacenter (12): (

for disease management ->

Date index: 2021-06-15