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Traduction de «health care facilities institutions » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Health care facilities Institutions de soins Zorginstellingen Krankenpflegeeinrichtungen

Health care facilities Zorginstellingen Institutions de soins Krankenpflegeeinrichtungen

MeSH Keywords Mots clés Sleutelwoorden Stichworten terms* Hospital Construction Construction Constructie Konstruktion Design and Renovation Rénovation Renovatie Renovierung Construction Transformation Transformation Verbouwing Umbau Health Health care Institutions de Zorginstellingen Krankenpflegeeinrichtungen Facilities facilities soins Infection Control Prévention Preventie Prävention Control Infection Infection Infectie Infektion Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Legionella Legionella Legionella Legionella ...[+++]

MeSH Keywords Sleutelwoorden Mots clés Stichworten terms* Hospital Construction Constructie Construction Konstruktion Design and Renovation Renovatie Rénovation Renovierung Construction Transformation Verbouwing Transformation Umbau Health Health care Zorginstellingen Institutions de Krankenpflegeeinrichtungen Facilities settings soins Infection Prevention Preventie Prévention Prävention Control Infection Infectie Infection Infektion Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Aspergillus Legionella Legionella ...[+++]

Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health- Care Facilities 2003.

Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health- Care Facilities. 2003.

Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities.

Haiduven D. Nosocomial aspergillosis and building construction.

Source : « Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care facilities » Recommendations of CDC and the healthcare infection control practices advisory commitee (HICPAC).

Bron : « Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care facilities » Recommendations of CDC and the healthcare infection control practices advisory commitee (HICPAC).

12 National Council for Health Care (NRV) and the Council of Hospital Facilities (CvZ), 1995.

9 National Council for Health Care (NRV) and the Council of Hospital Facilities (CvZ), 1995.

Lecture: Quality of care assessment using GP's electronic patient records (.Powerpoint) : do we need data from home visits ? by Hans Vandenberghe, Scientific Institute of Public Health (IPH), unit of Epidemiology, Brussels (B)

Lecture: Quality of care assessment using GP's electronic patient records : do we need data from home visits ? (.Powerpoint) by Hans Vandenberghe, Scientific Institute of Public Health (IPH), unit of Epidemiology, Brussels (B)

La création de l’asbl e-care figure dans la loi du 21 aout 2008 portant création et organisation de la plateforme e-Health, en tant qu’institution publique de sécurité sociale.

In de wet van 21 augustus 2008 over de oprichting en organisatie van het e- healthplatform als openbare instelling van sociale zekerheid, is de oprichting van de vzw e-care opgenomen.

la conférence de consensus INAMI sur “L’usage adéquat des inhibiteurs d’acide dans le reflux gastrooesophagien et la dyspepsie” (mai 2003) les “guidelines for the National Health Service” sur le “Managing dyspepsia in adults in primary care” publié par le “National Institute for Clinical Excellence” (août 2004) la CRM, concernant un “contrôle a posteriori” pour les IPP (février 2005).

de RIZIV-consensusconferentie over het “Doelmatig gebruik van zuurremmers bij gastro-oesofagale reflux en dyspepsie” (mei 2003) de Britse “guidelines for the National Health Service” over “Managing dyspepsia in adults in primary care” door de “National Institute for Clinical Excellence” (augustus 2004) de CTG, betreffende een “a posteriori controle” voor PPI (februari 2005).

les « guidelines for the National Health Service » sur le « Managing dyspepsia in adults in primary care» publié par « National Institute for Clinical Excellence » (août 2004);

de Britse " guidelines for the National Health Service" over " Managing dyspepsia in adults in primary care" door de " National Institute for Clinical Excellence" (augustus 2004);

datacenter (12): (

health care facilities institutions ->

Date index: 2021-08-05