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Traduction de «health data » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Data protection in health telematics projects (.Powerpoint) : Compliance with the European directive on the protection of personal data Yves Poullet, Jean Herveg (FUNDP Namur)

Data protection in health telematic projects: Compliance with the European directive on the protection of personal data (ppt, 332kb) Yves Poullet, Jean Herveg (FUNDP Namur)

La Flandre se positionnait ainsi dans le groupe de pays présentant un faible taux d’affections par des caries parmi le groupe d’enfants de 12 ans (World Health Organisation Oral Health Data Bank – base de données de santé orale de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, pouvant être consultée sur le site internet [http ...]

Daarmee positioneerde Vlaanderen zich in de groep van landen met lage aantasting door cariës bij 12-jarigen (World Health Organisation Oral Health Data Bank, raadpleegbaar via [http ...]

The question is the answer : health data protection Installation of the BeHealth Vision Team and Management Team (.Powerpoint) established by Rudy Demotte - Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health Peter Vanvelthoven - Minister for Employment and State Informatics

Installation of the BeHealth Vision and Management Teams (ppt, 246kb) established by Rudy Demotte - Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health Peter Vanvelthoven - Minister for Employment and State Informatics

Lecture: Quality of care assessment using GP's electronic patient records (.Powerpoint) : do we need data from home visits ? by Hans Vandenberghe, Scientific Institute of Public Health (IPH), unit of Epidemiology, Brussels (B)

Lecture: Quality of care assessment using GP's electronic patient records : do we need data from home visits ? (.Powerpoint) by Hans Vandenberghe, Scientific Institute of Public Health (IPH), unit of Epidemiology, Brussels (B)

Pilote project for mobile data registration in ambulatory care (.PDF) Luc Nicolas FPS Public Health

Pilote project for mobile data registration in ambulatory care (.PDF) Luc Nicolas FPS Public Health

Lecture: Exploitation of Electronic medical Records Data in Primary Health Care (.Powerpoint) : Resistances and Solutions.

Lecture: Exploitation of Electronic Medical Records Data in Primary Health Care (.Powerpoint)Resistances and Solutions.

En fin de contrat annuel, afin de faciliter la rédaction et la présentation du rapport demandé par l’autorité, une application web a été développée en synergie avec le service ‘Informatique’ et ‘Data Management’ du SPF SPSCAE au sein de l’environnement sécurisé Porta-Health.

Om de door de overheid gevraagde rapportage te vereenvoudigen werd in samenwerking met de diensten ‘Informatica’ en ‘Datamanagement’ van de FOD VVVL een webtoepassing binnen de beveiligde omgeving van Porta-Health 1 ontwikkeld.

Unit cost: €2.53 Costs of interventions in current practice based on Dutch empirical data Cost calculations of interventions in increased implementation program based on Dutch practice guidelines and (for the duration of NRT and Buproprion) on international trials (Cochrane meta-analysis) Costs of smoking-related diseases were taken into account, estimates based on Dutch cost-ofillness study that allocated total direct health care costs to diseases.

Unit cost: €2.53 Costs of interventions in current practice based on Dutch empirical data Cost calculations of interventions in increased implementation program based on Dutch practice guidelines and (for the duration of NRT and bupropion) on international trials (Cochrane meta-analysis) Costs of smoking-related diseases were taken into account, estimates based on Dutch cost-ofillness study that allocated total direct health care costs to diseases.

Copenhagen: World Health Organisation; 2008. Available from: [http ...]

Copenhagen : World Health Organisation ; 2008. Available from : http :// assets/pdf_file/0008/88613/E91438.pdf

Une autre application qui concerne la plate-forme e-Health porte sur l’alimentation et la consultation du registre “Orthopedic Prosthesis Identification data ”(Orthopride).

Een andere toepassing waarbij het e-Health-platform betrokken is, behelst de voeding en de raadpleging van het register “Orthopedic Prosthesis Identification Data” (Orthopride).

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Date index: 2021-05-05