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Traduction de «health value » (Français → Néerlandais) :

CARPENTIER Yvon * Nutrition, biochimie pathologique ULB DE BACKER Guy * Médecine préventive, santé publique, UGent épidémiologie DE HENAUW Stefaan * Public health nutrition UGent DELZENNE Nathalie * Nutrition, toxicologie UCL DEMEYER Daniel Animal product quality, health value of animal UGent foods FONDU Michel Chimie, additifs, contaminants ULB HUYGHEBAERT André Chimie, technologie UGent MAGHUIN-ROGISTER Guy * Analyse des denrées alimentaires ULg NEVE Jean * Chimie thérapeutique et sciences ULB nutritionnelles PAQUOT Michel * Chimie, technologie Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech

CARPENTIER Yvon * Voeding, pathologische biochemie ULB DE BACKER Guy * Preventieve geneeskunde, volksgezondheid, UGent epidemiologie DE HENAUW Stefaan * Public health nutrition UGent DELZENNE Nathalie * Voeding, toxicologie UCL DEMEYER Daniel Animal product quality, health value of animal UGent foods FONDU Michel chemie, additieven, contaminanten ULB HUYGHEBAERT André chemie, technologie UGent MAGHUIN-ROGISTER Guy * levensmiddelenanalyse ULg NEVE Jean * therapeutische chemie en ULB voedingswetenschappen PAQUOT Michel * chemie, technologie Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech

Morbidity and mortalility weekly report Nucleic acid sequence based amplification Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing National Institute for Biological Standards and Control Occupational Safety and Health Administration Phosphate buffered saline ou tampon phosphate Polymerase chain reaction Stérilisation acide peracétique-éthanol Positive predictive value Polyvinyl-pyrrolidon Povidone-iodine Dérivés de l’ammonium quaternaire Ribonuclease H Reverse transcriptase ou transcriptase inverse Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues ...[+++]

Nucleic acid sequence based amplification Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing Non-heart beating donors National Institute for Biological Standards and Control Optische densiteit Occupational Safety and Health Administration Perazijnzuur Phosphate buffered saline Polymerase chain reaction Perazijnzuur ethanol sterilisatie Positive predictive value Positief predictieve waarde Polyvinyl-pyrrolidon Povidone-iodine Quaternaire ammoniumverbindingen Radio-immunoprecipitatie test Ribonucleic acid Ribonuclease H Respiratoir syncytiaal virus Rev ...[+++]

oral glucose tolerance test Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance odds ratio over-the-counter papanicolou plasma protein A polymerase chain reaction Public Health Laboratory Service pregnancy-induced hypertension proton pump inhibitor positive predictive value premature rupture of membranes routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists randomised controlled trial eferences rhesus D recombinant immunoblot assay Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering ribonucleic acid random plas ...[+++]

Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance odds ratio over-the-counter papanicolou plasma protein A polymerase chain reaction Public Health Laboratory Service pregnancy-induced hypertension proton pump inhibitor positive predictive value premature rupture of membranes routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists randomised controlled trial eferences rhesus D recombinant immunoblot assay Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering ribonucleic acid random plasma glucose rapid plasmin rea ...[+++]

If participation in health care decisions is seen as an end in itself (empowerment perspective), it follows that decisions made through a participatory process are valuable and legitimate, because they emanate from a participatory process which is valued in itself, regardless

If participation in health care decisions is seen as an end in itself (empowerment perspective), it follows that decisions made through a participatory process are valuable and legitimate, because they

NL- Standing, kneeling and squatting at work – health-based limit values 13/01/2012

NL- Standing, kneeling and squatting at work – health-based limit values 13-01-2012

Au niveau du développement de services ayant une plus-value pour E-Health, signalons la contribution à l’extension de My CareNet à d’autres groupes-cibles, à savoir les pharmaciens, les médecins et les maisons de repos.

Op het vlak van het ontwikkelen van diensten met toegevoegde waarde voor eHealth kan verwezen naar het bijdragen tot de verdere uitrol van My CareNet naar bijkomende doelgroepen, bv. de apothekers, de artsen en de rusthuizen.

La littérature donne un nombre limité de guidelines, et récemment ISPOR a publié les résultats du groupe de travail sur l’incidence budgétaire relative aux analyses du rapport coût/efficacité (Value Health.

In de literatuur vindt men een beperkt aantal guidelines en recent werden door ISPOR de resultaten van de werkgroep over budget impact in relatie met de kosten-effectiviteits analyses ( Value Health.

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health value ->

Date index: 2021-12-19