105 To assesss the progress towards reducing social inequalities in health, it is important to measure them 100 , and to monitor if they change over time (by repeating those measurements) ).
Table 27 – Life expectancy at 25 years by sex and educational level, absolute difference to highest educational level and concentration inequality indices (CII) (Belgium 2001) .
variable, the BIM u (increased reimbursement, mostly corresponding to people with a low income level) and BO (normal reimbursement). Measurement of inequalities
in jaren; 2 5 opleidingsniveaus; 3 4 opleidingsniveaus; 4 5 inkomensniveaus; 5 2 terugbetalingscategorieën. Percentages zijn niet aangepast aan leeftijd; samenvattende metingen = CII (Concentration Index of inequalities) van toepassing op levensverwachting en levensverwachting in goede gezondheid, PAF (Population Attributable Fraction) voor alle andere indicatoren.
2 catégories de remboursement ; les taux ne sont pas ajustés en fonction de l’âge ; mesures de synthèse = ICI (Indice de Concentration des Inégalités) portant sur l’espérance de vie et de bonne santé, FAP (Fraction attribuable à la Population) pour tous les autres indicateurs. Inequalities in the indicators of accessibility The percentage of households reporting to have delayed contacts with the health system for financial reasons was strongly related to the income level, with 27% of delay in the households of the lowest quintile versus 4%
114 These data are not presented in detail in this report. Inequalities in the indicators of accessibility The percentage of households reporting to have delayed contacts with the health system for financial reasons was strongly related to the income level, with 27% of delay in the households of the lowest quintile versus 4%
In this chapter, we highlighted the indicators for which we observed a relative risk (RR) as large as 1.2 (or 0.83 when the gradient was reverse). Limitations The inequalities could not be measured for all the indicators due to lack of data on social position.
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