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Vertaling van "intensive care unit i-eca inhibiteur " (Frans → Nederlands) :

ACV Accident Cérébro-Vasculaire BIS Bispectral index BMS Bare Metal Stent CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft DES Drug Eluting Stent ECG Electrocardiogramme ESC European Society for Cardiology FA Fibrillation Auriculaire GP General Practitioner IABP Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump IAM Infarctus Aigue du Myocarde ICP Intervention Coronarienne Percutanée ICU Intensive Care Unit I-ECA Inhibiteur de l’Enzyme de Conversion de l’Angiotensine INVOS In Vivo Optical Spectroscopy IQ Indicateur de qualité NSTE-ACS Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome OPCAB Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass POS Procédures Opérationnelles Standard (SOP) QERMID Qual ...[+++]

ACE Angiotensin Converting Enzyme ACS Acuut Coronair Syndroom AMI Acuut Myocard Infarct BIS Bispectral index BMS Bare Metal Stent CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft CVA Cerebrovasculair Accident DES Drug Eluting Stent EKG Electrocardiogram ESC European Society for Cardiology GP General Practitioner IABP Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump INVOS In Vivo Optical Spectroscopy KI Kwaliteitsindicatoren NSTE-ACS Geen ST-segment verhoging, Acuut Coronair Syndroom OPCAB Off-pump coronary artery bypass PCI Percutane Coronaire Interventie QERMID Quality Electronic Registration of Medical Implant Devices (RIZIV – INAMI) SLA Service Level Agreement SOP Standar ...[+++]

Abréviations utilisées: 2-3-DPG = 2,3-diphosphoglycérate; ACTH = adrénocorticotrophine; AGE = advanced glycation end products; ATP = adénosine triphosphate; CE = concentré érythrocytaire; CEC = circulation extra-corporelle; CPD(A) = citrate phosphate dextrose (adénine); GPIIb/IIIa = glycoprotéine IIb/IIIa; GvHD = graft versus host disease; H 2 O 2 = peroxyde d’hydrogène; ICAM = inter-cellular adhesion molecule; ICU = intensive care unit; IgG = immunoglobuline G; IL = interleukine; LDH = lactate déshydrogénase; MODS = multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, syndrome de défaillance poly ...[+++]

Gebruikte afkortingen: 2-3-DPG = 2,3-diphosphoglyceraat; ACTH = adrenocorticotrofin; AGE = advanced glycation end products; ATP = adenosine trifosfaat; CPD(A) = citraat fosfaat dextrose (adenine); EC = erytrocytenconcentraat; ECC = extracorporele circulatie; GvHD = graft versus host disease; H 2 O 2 = waterstofperoxyd; ICAM = inter-cellular adhesion molecule; ICU = intensive care unit; IgG = immunoglobuline G; IL = interleukine; LDH = laktaat dehydrogenase; MODS = multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, multi-orgaanfalen; NO = oxyde nitrique; NTBI = nontransferrin-bound iron; PICU = ...[+++]

Graphique linéaire indiquant le taux d’incidence mensuel actuel dans l'unité et la moyenne pour l’ensemble de l’hôpital ou des salles similaires (par exemple, chirurgie, Intensive Care Unit…).

o Line chart indicating current monthly incidence rate in the unit and the mean for the whole hospital or similar types of ward (e.g., surgery, ICU…).

Denton M, Wilcox MH, Parnell P, Green D, Keer V, Hawkey PM, et al. Role of environmental cleaning in controlling an outbreak of Acinetobacter baumannii on a neurosurgical intensive care unit.

Enoch DA, Summers C, Brown NM, Moore L, Gillham MI, Burnstein RM, et al. Investigation and management of an outbreak of multidrug-carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in Cambridge, UK.

- Foca M, Jakob K, Whittier S, Della Latta P, Factor S, Rubenstein D, et al. Endemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a neonatal intensive care unit.

- Gupta A, Della-Latta P, Todd B, San Gabriel P, Haas J, Wu F, et al. Outbreak of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a neonatal intensive care unit linked to artificial nails.

Bien qu’on ait démontré l’efficacité de l'administration par voie orale de vancomycine pour mettre un terme à une éclosion de MRSA dans un Intensive Care Unit 53 , elle est en général inacceptable en raison du risque d'apparition d’une résistance à la vancomycine parmi les entérocoques et S. aureus.

Although oral administration of vancomycin was proven effective in terminating one MRSA outbreak in an ICU 54 it is generally unacceptable because of the risk of vancomycin resistance emerging among enterococci and S. aureus.

- Foca M, Jacob K, Whittier S, Della Latta P, Factor S, Rubinstein D, Saiman L. Endemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a neonatal intensive care unit.

- Hoffman PN, Cooke EM, McCarville MR, Emmerson AM. Microorganisms isolated from skin under wedding rings worn by hospital staff.

PICS - 29th Annual Paediatric Intensive Care Society Conference (Birmingham, UK - United Kingdom, 23-25 Septembre 2015)

PICS - 29th Annual Paediatric Intensive Care Society Conference (Birmingham, UK - United Kingdom, 23-25 september 2015)

PICS - 28th Annual Paediatric Intensive Care Society Conference (Newcastle, UK - United Kingdom, 01-03 Octobre 2014)

PICS - 28th Annual Paediatric Intensive Care Society Conference (Newcastle, UK - United Kingdom, 01-03 oktober 2014)

En conséquence, le Conseil recommande de ne pas généraliser l’utilisation des laits prêts à l’emploi dans les maternités et les centres néonataux mais de laisser le choix de leur utilisation aux pédiatres responsables des unités N + (Centre de néonatalogie non intensif) et NIC (Neonatal Intensive Care) des hôpitaux.

De Raad beveelt bijgevolg aan het gebruik van kant-en-klare melk in kraaminrichtingen en neonatale centra niet te veralgemenen en de keuze van zijn gebruik over te laten aan de verantwoordelijke pediaters in de N + (Centrum voor niet intensieve neonatologie) en NIC eenheden (Neonatal Intensive Care) van de ziekenhuizen.

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Date index: 2024-03-13