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Vertaling van "le food " (Frans → Nederlands) :

Appelcarré fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Chocoladebiscuit fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Chocoprince fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Frangipane fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Doughnuts, ongevuld fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Zandtaart fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Taart, met creme au beurre fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Frituurvet, 0-50 mg chol. frying oils, frying fats excl olive and pomace oils 200 Frituurvet, dierlijk en plan ...[+++]

Chocoladebiscuit fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Chocoprince fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Frangipane fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Doughnuts, ongevuld fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Zandtaart fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Taart, met creme au beurre fats and oils for prof manufacture of heat-treated foods 200 Frituurvet, 0-50 mg chol. frying oils, frying fats excl olive and pomace oils 200 Frituurvet, dierlijk en plantaardi frying oils, frying fats excl olive and pomace oils 200 Ozo vloei ...[+++]

de la Commission européenne) DG Sanco/ Food and feed safety/ GM food & feed/ Authorisation/ Community register of GM Food&Feed) ( [http ...]

Consumentenbescherming – Europese Commissie) DG Sanco/ Food and feed safety/ GM food & feed/ Authorisation/ Community register of GM Food&Feed) ( [http ...]

o GEMS/ Food Regional Diets Regional per Capita Consumption of Raw and Semi-processed Agricultural Commodities, Global Environment Monitoring System/Food Contamination Monitoring and Assessment Programme (GEMS/Food), Food Safety Department, W.H.O., Revision Septembre 2003

o GEMS/ Food Regional Diets Regional per Capita Consumption of Raw and Semi-processed Agricultural Commodities, Global Environment Monitoring System/Food Contamination Monitoring and Assessment Programme (GEMS/Food), Food Safety Department, W.H.O., Revision September 2003

o GEMS/ Food Regional Diets Regional per Capita Consumption of Raw and Semiprocessed Agricultural Commodities, Global Environment Monitoring System/Food Contamination Monitoring and Assessment Programme (GEMS/Food), Food Safety Department, W.H.O., Revision Septembre 2003

o GEMS/ Food Regional Diets Regional per Capita Consumption of Raw and Semiprocessed Agricultural Commodities, Global Environment Monitoring System/Food Contamination Monitoring and Assessment Programme (GEMS/Food), Food Safety Department, WHO, Revision September 2003.

Liste des abréviations CRIOC : Centre de Recherche et d'Information des Organisations de Consommateurs CSS : Conseil Supérieur de la Santé EFSA: European Food Safety Authority FSA : British Food Standards Agency ISP : Institut Scientifique de Santé Publique LOAEL : Lowest Adverse Effect Level NOAEL: No Observed Adverse Effect Level RPE : Ratings of Perceived Exertion SCF : Scientific Committee on Food SPF : Service public fédéral UE : Union Européenne UL : tolerable Upper intake Level

Lijst van de gebruikte afkortingen EFSA: European Food Safety Authority EU : Europese Unie FOD : Federale Overheidsdienst FSA : British Food Standards Agency HGR : Hoge Gezondheidsraad LOAEL : Lowest Adverse Effect Level NOAEL: No Observed Adverse Effect Level OIVO : Onderzoeks- en Informatiecentrum van de Verbruikersorganisaties RPE : Ratings of Perceived Exertion SCF : Scientific Committee on Food UL : tolerable Upper intake Level WIV : Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volksgezondheid

Liste des abréviations utilisées ADN : acide désoxyribonucléique CLA : conjugated linoleic acid CSS: Conseil Supérieur de la Santé EFSA: European Food Safety Authority FSAI : Food Safety Authority of Ireland FSANZ : Food Standards Australia New Zealand HDL : high density lipoprotein LDL : low density lipoprotein NASSA : Nutrition, Alimentation et Santé, y compris Sécurité Alimentaire NDA: Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies

Lijst van gebruikte afkortingen CLA : conjugated linoleic acid DNA : desoxyribonucleïnezuur EFSA: European Food Safety Authority FSAI : Food Safety Authority of Ireland FSANZ : Food Standards Australia New Zealand HDL : high density lipoprotein HGR: Hoge Gezondheidsraad LDL : low density lipoprotein NDA: Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies VGVV : Voeding en gezondheid, voedselveiligheid inbegrepen

AFSCA Agence fédérale pour la sécurité de la chaîne alimentaire BMDL Lower benchmark dose CONTAM Contaminants in the food chain CSS Conseil Supérieur de la Santé Cu Cuivre DJT Dose journalière tolérable EFSA European Food Safety Authority Fe Fer IPH Scientific Institute of Public Health ISP Institut Scientifique de la Santé Publique JECFA Joint Expert Committee WHO/FAO on Food Additives MoE Margin of Exposure Ni Nickel pc poids corporel Pb Plomb PTWI Provisional tolerable weekly intake VTR Valeur toxicologique de référence WHO World Health Organization Zn Zinc

Lower benchmark dose Contaminants in the food chain Koper European Food Safety Authority Federaal agentschap voor de veiligheid van de voedselketen Ijzer Scientific Institute of Public Health Joint Expert Committee WHO/FAO on Food Additives Lichaamsgewicht Margin of Exposure Nikkel Lood Provisional tolerable weekly intake Toelaatbare dagelijkse inname Toxicologische referentiewaarde World Health Organization Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volksgezondheid Zink

Presentation of conclusions of the round table of 20th October 2010 - the rol of science in food policy - to the EFSA Advirory Forum

Presentation of conclusions of the round table of 20th October 2010 - the rol of science in food policy - to the EFSA Advirory Forum

C’est ce qui ressort des résultats d’une enquête réalisée dans le cadre du programme européen FOOD.

Dat blijkt uit de resultaten van het internationale FOOD-programma.

Anderen hebben gezocht naar : heat-treated foods     sanco food     gems food     european food     food     science in food     le food     

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