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- Passchier-Vermeer W. Geluid en gezondheid
Noise and health

Vertaling van "netherlands ministry of health " (Frans → Nederlands) :

computer simulation model the Netherlands Ministry of Health Minimal counselling alone Minimal counselling+NRT Intensive counselling+NRT Intensive counselling+Buproprion Telephone counselling Comparator: current practice: 25% of all smokers would follow a smoking cessation program, current practice: 1.3% of smokers uses one of the interventions.

computer simulation model the Netherlands Ministry of Health Minimal counselling alone Minimal counselling+NRT Intensive counselling+NRT Intensive counselling+bupropion Telephone counselling Comparator: current practice: 25% of all smokers would follow a smoking cessation program, current practice: 1.3% of smokers uses one of the interventions.

[20] S. Gress, A. Focke, F. Hessel, and J. Wasem, Financial incentives for disease management programmes and integrated care in German social health insurance., Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands), vol. 78, no. 2-3, pp. 295-305, Oct. 2006. [21] S. Gress, P. Groenewegen, J. Kerssens, B. Braun, and J. Wasem, Free choice of sickness funds in regulated competition: evidence from Germany and The Netherlands., Health policy, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 235-54, Jun. 2002. [22] D. Grijpstra, S. Broek, B.-J.

44-55, 2001. [20] S. Gress, A. Focke, F. Hessel, and J. Wasem, Financial incentives for disease management programmes and integrated care in German social health insurance., Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands), vol.

- Passchier-Vermeer W. Geluid en gezondheid [Noise and health].1993; The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands (Publication nr A93/02E).

- Passchier-Vermeer W. Geluid en gezondheid [Noise and health]. The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands, 1993 (Publication nr A93/02E).

Les connaissances à ce sujet sont malheureusement rares et se basent principalement sur des tests sur animaux (Health Council of the Netherlands, 1994; Passchier-Vermeer, 2001).

De kennis hierover is spijtig genoegd schaars en baseert zich voornamelijk op dierproeven (Health Council of the Netherlands, 1994; Passchier-Vermeer, 2001).

Les conséquences pour la santé de l’exposition au bruit sont connues depuis bien longtemps (Health Council of the Netherlands, 1971 & 1994, International Organization for Standardization 1984 & 1990, WHO-OMS - Guidelines for Community Noise, 1999).

De gevolgen van blootstelling aan geluid voor de gezondheid zijn al geruime tijd bekend (Health Council of the Netherlands, 1971 & 1994, International Organization for Standardization 1984 & 1990, WHO-OMS - Guidelines for Community Noise, 1999).

Remerciements: Brekelmans C (GGZNederland, NL), Hewson L (Bradford Counseling Service, UK), Kelvin R (Department of Health, UK), Kingsbury S (CAMHS Hertfordshire Partnership Trust, UK), Kutcher S (Dalhousie University, Ca), Leys M (VUB, Be), Menting J (Yulius Mental Health, NL), Minotte P (IWSM, Be), Rees D (Independent Development Consultant, UK), Rietveld AA (Accare Univerity Centre for child and adolescent psychiatry, NL), Van Nuffel R (VVGG, Be), Waddell C (Simon Fraser University, Ca), Wijnands Y (Ministry of Health, Wellbeing an ...[+++]

Acknowledgements: Brekelmans C (GGZNederland, NL), Hewson L (Bradford Counseling Service, UK), Kelvin R (Department of Health, UK), Kingsbury S (CAMHS Hertfordshire Partnership Trust, UK), Kutcher S (Dalhousie University, Ca), Leys M (VUB, Be), Menting J (Yulius Mental Health, NL), Minotte P (IWSM, Be), Rees D (Independent Development Consultant, UK), Rietveld AA (Accare Univerity Centre for child and adolescent psychiatry, NL), Van Nuffel R (VVGG, Be), Waddell C (Simon Fraser University, Ca), Wijnands Y (Ministry of Health, Wellbeing ...[+++]

Le Health Council of the Netherlands (HCN) 3 fait la distinction entre les opérations simples et complexes, ainsi que celles pour lesquelles, on peut craindre une perte de sang considérable.

De Health Council of the Nederlands (HCN) 3 maakt een onderscheid tussen eenvoudige en complexe operaties en diegene waarbij men een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid bloed kan verliezen.

Les mots clés suivants ont été utilisés : ÿ perioperative care Ÿ and ÿ routine test Ÿ, puis ÿ preoperative test Ÿ. Pour trouver les directives et les revues, les sites suivants ont été consultés : Medline ( limites : guidelines ou RCT), NICE, Health Council of the Netherlands (HCN), National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), International Network of Agencies for HealthTechnology Assessment (INAHTA) et Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI).

Daarbij werden de volgende zoektermen gebruikt : ÿ perioperative care Ÿ en ÿ routine test Ÿ, vervolgens ÿ preoperative test Ÿ. De volgende sites werden geraaadpleegd : Medline (criteria: guidelines of RCT), NICE, Nederlandse Gezondheidsraad (HCN), National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) en Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI).

[18] Yamakawa Y., Hagiwara K., Nohtomi K., Nakamura Y., Nishijima M., Higuchi Y., Sato Y., Sata T., Expert Committee for BSE Diagnosis, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan.

[14] Race R., Oldstone M., Chesebro B. Entry versus blockage of brain infection following oral or intraperitoneal scrapie administration: role of prion protein expression in peripheral nerves and spleen. J. Virol., 2000, 74, 828-833.

L’EMEA, conjointement avec la Commission européenne, envisage de poursuivre les discussions préliminaires avec le ministère japonais de la santé, du travail et de la protection sociale (Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, MHLW) et l’agence japonaise des produits pharmaceutiques et des dispositifs médicaux (Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, PMDA) afin d’examiner la possibilité de parvenir à des accords de confidentialité semblables à ceux conclus avec la FDA.

Het EMEA is, samen met de Europese Commissie, voornemens de voorlopige besprekingen met het Japanse geneesmiddelenbureau (MHWL/PMDA) voort te zetten om de mogelijkheid te onderzoeken geheimhoudingsovereenkomsten op te stellen overeenkomstig die met de FDA.

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Date index: 2023-04-10