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Vertaling van "pas l’age trial qui randomise " (Frans → Nederlands) :

Cette conclusion est basée sur des sous-groupes de faible amplitude constitués par les femmes qui commencent le dépistage à 45 ans et n’inclut pas l’AGE trial qui randomise les femmes à 40 ans.

Die conclusie is gebaseerd op deelgroepen bestaande uit vrouwen die de opsporing begonnen zijn op 45 jaar, en de AGE studie, die de vrouwen vanaf hun 40 jaar randomiseerde, is hier niet bij opgenomen.

Based on 8 RCT’s of fair quality (New York 1963, Malmo I and II, Two County 1978, Canada 1980, Stockholm 1980, Göteborg 1982, UK AGE trial 1991) Based on 8 RCT’s ; 4 adequately randomised ( A.R) : Canada 1980 a and b, Malmo I and UK AGE trial 1991, 4 suboptimally randomised (Sub.R) : New York 1963, Two County 1978, Stockholm 1980, Göteborg 1982

trial 1991) Based on 8 RCT’s ; 4 adequately randomised ( A.R) : Canada 1980 a and b, Malmo I and UK AGE trial 1991, 4 suboptimally randomised (Sub.R) : New York 1963, Two County 1978, Stockholm 1980, Göteborg 1982

Trois des SR sont antérieures à l’AGE trial, essai comparatif randomisé de grande envergure 9 ce qui les rend obsolètes.

Drie van de SR dateerden van voor de AGE-studie, een breed opgezette gecontroleerde, gerandomiseerde studie 8 , waardoor ze achterhaald zijn.

oral glucose tolerance test Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance odds ratio over-the-counter papanicolou plasma protein A polymerase chain reaction Public Health Laboratory Service pregnancy-induced hypertension proton pump inhibitor positive predictive value premature rupture of membranes routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists randomised controlled trial eferences rhesus D recombinant immunoblot assay Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering ribonucleic acid random plas ...[+++]

Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance odds ratio over-the-counter papanicolou plasma protein A polymerase chain reaction Public Health Laboratory Service pregnancy-induced hypertension proton pump inhibitor positive predictive value premature rupture of membranes routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists randomised controlled trial eferences rhesus D recombinant immunoblot assay Rijksinstituut voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsverzekering ribonucleic acid random plasma glucose rapid plasmin rea ...[+++]

Moss SM, Cuckle H, Evans A, Johns L, Waller M, Bobrow L, et al. Effect of mammographic screening from age 40 years on breast cancer mortality at 10 years' follow-up: a randomised controlled trial.

Nelson HD, Tyne K, Naik A, Bougatsos C, Chan BK, Humphrey L. Screening for breast cancer: an update for the U.S. preventive services task force.

Abréviations utilisées: 2-3-DPG = 2,3-diphosphoglycérate; ACTH = adrénocorticotrophine; AGE = advanced glycation end products; ATP = adénosine triphosphate; CE = concentré érythrocytaire; CEC = circulation extra-corporelle; CPD(A) = citrate phosphate dextrose (adénine); GPIIb/IIIa = glycoprotéine IIb/IIIa; GvHD = graft versus host disease; H 2 O 2 = peroxyde d’hydrogène; ICAM = inter-cellular adhesion molecule; ICU = intensive care unit; IgG = immunoglobuline G; IL = interleukine; LDH = lactate déshydrogénase; MODS = multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, syndrome de défaillance polyviscérale; NO = oxyde nitrique; NTBI = n ...[+++]

Gebruikte afkortingen: 2-3-DPG = 2,3-diphosphoglyceraat; ACTH = adrenocorticotrofin; AGE = advanced glycation end products; ATP = adenosine trifosfaat; CPD(A) = citraat fosfaat dextrose (adenine); EC = erytrocytenconcentraat; ECC = extracorporele circulatie; GvHD = graft versus host disease; H 2 O 2 = waterstofperoxyd; ICAM = inter-cellular adhesion molecule; ICU = intensive care unit; IgG = immunoglobuline G; IL = interleukine; LDH = laktaat dehydrogenase; MODS = multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, multi-orgaanfalen; NO = oxyde nitrique; NTBI = nontransferrin-bound iron; PICU = pediatric intesnsive care unit; PgE 2 = ...[+++]

Older trials showed poor outcomes, and two randomised trials of carotid stenting were stopped early after these poor outcomes in stented patients.16 These early trials used techniques which have now been superseded, but the safety of endovascular treatment remains as yet insufficiently known.

Older trials showed poor outcomes, and two randomised trials of carotid stenting were stopped early after these poor outcomes in stented patients. 16 These early trials used techniques which have now been superseded, but the safety of endovascular treatment remains as yet insufficiently known.

Il n’existe pas de données relatives aux performances de la PAV issues de RCT (« randomised controlled trials » ou essais contrôlés randomisés). On ne dispose que de données issues de séries de cas, parues dans des publications revues par les pairs (300 cas) et présentées lors de congrès de cardiologie (> 1600 cas).

Er bestaan geen gegevens uit gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde studies (RCT’s ) over de performantie van de PAV. Alleen observationele gegevens van patiëntenreeksen, gepubliceerd in vaktijdschriften (300 casussen), en gegevens die werden gepresenteerd tijdens cardiologiebijeenkomsten (> 1600 casussen) zijn beschikbaar.

A l’heure actuelle, un essai clinique randomisé (PACE trial) compare l’efficacité de différentes techniques thérapeutiques, incluant le pacing.

Op dit ogenblik wordt er in een gerandomiseerde klinische test (PACE trial) de werkzaamheid van verschillende therapeutische technieken m.i.v. pacing vergeleken.

85 Fulcher, K.Y., et al. Randomised controlled trial of graded exercise in patients with the chronic fatigue

85 Fulcher, K.Y., et al. Randomised controlled trial of graded exercise in patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome. BMJ 1997; 314:1647

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pas l’age trial qui randomise ->

Date index: 2023-07-08