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) AND “Pneumonia”
Klebsiella pneumoniae
OR “Geriatrics”
OR “Long-Term Care”
OR “Nursing Homes”
Streptococcus pneumoniae de sérotype 1
Streptococcus pneumoniae de sérotype 2
Streptococcus pneumoniae de sérotype 27
Streptococcus pneumoniae de sérotype 3
Streptococcus pneumoniae de sérotype 4
Streptococcus pneumoniae de sérotype 5
Streptococcus pneumoniae de sérotype 8
Subsp. pneumoniae

Vertaling van "pneumonia care " (Frans → Nederlands) :

Klebsiella pneumoniae [subsp. pneumoniae], cause de maladies classées dans d'autres chapitres

Klebsiella pneumoniae [K. pneumoniae] als oorzaak van ziekten geclassificeerd in andere hoofdstukken

Haemophilus influenzae Klebsiella pneumoniae Mycoplasma pneumoniae Streptocoques, sauf groupe B

Haemophilus influenzae | Klebsiella pneumoniae | Mycoplasma | Streptococcus, met uitzondering van groep B

- Abe S, Ishihara K, Adachi M et al. Oral hygiene evaluation for effective oral care in preventing pneumonia in dentate elderly.

- Abe S, Ishihara K, Adachi M, et al. Oral hygiene evaluation for effective oral care in preventing pneumonia in dentate elderly.

- Carusone S, Loeb M, Lohfeld L. Pneumonia care and the nursing home: a descriptive study of resident and family member perspectives.

- Carusone S Loeb M, Lohfeld L. Pneumonia care and the nursing home: a descriptive study of resident and family member perspectives.

- Marie T. Pneumonia in the long-term-care facility Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2002; 23:159-64.

- Marie T. Pneumonia in the long-term-care facility. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2002; 23:159-64.

La recherche de directives sur les “evidence based websites” classiques (Cochrane Library, US National Clearinghouse, NICE, SIGN, New Zealand Guidelines Group, National Health and Medical Research Council, Prodigy, CMA Infobase, GAC guidelines, Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines, AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Clinical Evidence, National Library for Health (Guideline Finder), SumSearch) avec les termes de recherche “ ‘pneumonia’ and ‘nursing home’ “ ne donne aucun résultat.

Zoeken op de klassieke evidence based websites voor richtlijnen (Cochrane Library, US National Clearinghouse, NICE, SIGN, New Zealand Guidelines Group, National Health and Medical Research Council, Prodigy, CMA Infobase, GAC guidelines, Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines, AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Clinical Evidence, National Library for Health (Guideline Finder), SumSearch) met de zoekterm “ ‘pneumonia’ and ‘nursing home’ “ levert geen resultaat op.

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Les termes de « Health Care Associated Pneumonia » (HCAP) ou « Pneumonie associée aux Soins de Santé » (PAS) a donc été récemment créée.

Daarom werd recent het begrip “Health Care Associated Pneumonia” toegevoegd.

Depuydt P, Vogelaers D. Nosocomiale pneumonie buiten het ziekenhuis: “health-care associated pneumonia” en rusthuispneumonie.

Depuydt P, Vogelaers D. Nosocomiale pneumonie buiten het ziekenhuis: ‚health-care associated pneumonia‛ en rusthuispneumonie.

Nous avons, pour ce faire, fait usage des termes suivants: (“Homes for the Aged”[MeSH] OR “Nursing Homes”[MeSH] OR “Long-Term Care”[MeSH]) AND (“Aged”[MeSH] OR “Geriatrics”[MeSH]) AND “Pneumonia”[MeSH].

Hierbij werd gebruik gemaakt van de volgende zoekterm: (“Homes for the Aged”[MeSH] OR “Nursing Homes”[MeSH] OR “Long-Term Care”[MeSH]) AND (“Aged”[MeSH] OR “Geriatrics”[MeSH]) AND “Pneumonia”[MeSH].

Anderen hebben gezocht naar : klebsiella pneumoniae     streptococcus pneumoniae de sérotype     subsp pneumoniae     pneumonia care     

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Date index: 2024-07-21