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Traduction de «primary care patients with fatigue » (Français → Néerlandais) :

Psychol Med. 2001 Jan; 31(1):97-105 74 Cathebras, P. et al. Correlates of somatic causal attributions in primary care patients with fatigue.

Psychol Med. 2001 Jan; 31(1):97-105 74 Cathebras, P. et al. Correlates of somatic causal attributions in primary care patients with fatigue. Psychother

Psychol Med. 2001 Jan; 31(1):97-105 74 Cathebras, P. et al. Correlates of somatic causal attributions in primary care patients with fatigue.

Psychol Med. 2001 Jan; 31(1):97-105 74 Cathebras, P. et al. Correlates of somatic causal attributions in primary care patients with fatigue. Psychother

Clinical audit is an implicit part of this aim, and it is as applicable to all osteopathic clinicians. The aim is to recognize audit and evaluation as an opportunity rather than a threat to clinical autonomy thereby benefiting both patients and clinicians .ABSTRACT Chronic low back pain patient groups in primary care BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Chronic pain syndromes, especially chronic low back pain is one of the most prevalent diseases in Western populations and is one ...[+++]

The purmose of this study is to determine if the site of SMT application modulates the effect of SMT in an anesthetized feline model .MORE Differences between patients with chronic widespread pain and chronic LBP BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Chronic pain is a common reason for consultation in general practice.

38. Metlay JP, Stafford RS, Singer DE : National trends in thé use of antibiotics by primary care physiciens for adult patients with cough.

38. Metlay JP, Stafford RS, Singer DE: National trends in the use of antibiotics by primary care physiciens for adult patients with cough.

La Haye : Gezondheidsraad; publication n° 2005/02 99 Campo, J.V. , et al (1999). Somatization in pediatric primary care: Association with psychopathology, functional impairment, and use of services.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 38, 1093-1101 100 Lieb, R., et al (2000).

Après 1 mois, chaque pratique de médecins généralistes – tout comme le Primary Care Trust (PTC) qui assure la gestion des soins de santé de première ligne dans le district concerné – reçoit un récapitulatif de la part utilisée par les patients le mois précédent.

Na 1 maand krijgt elke huisartspraktijk maar ook de Primary CareTrust (PCT) die de eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg in het betrokken district regelt en bestuurt, een stand van zaken van wat door de patiënten de maand voordien opgenomen werd.

□ 4 séances d’information pour les médecins généralistes spécialistes de la région. □ 2 séances d’information pour les kinésithérapeutes et les psychologues. □ Organisation commune d’une journée d’étude interuniversitaire à Kortenberg (20/11/2004) □ présentation par affiche AACFS, Madion USA (8/10/04) : Formation of clinical network co-ordinating centres for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome □ 2 réunions de staff UZA sur le fonctionnement des centres de référence

□ 4 infosessies voor huisartsen /specialisten regio □ 2 infosessies voor kinesitherapeuten en psychologen □ mede-organisatie van een interuniversitaire studiedag in Kortenberg (20/11/2004) □ posterpresentatie AACFS, Madion USA (8/10/04) : Formation of clinical network coordinating centres for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome □ 2 stafvergaderingen UZA omtrent werking referentiecentra

85 Fulcher, K.Y., et al. Randomised controlled trial of graded exercise in patients with the chronic fatigue

85 Fulcher, K.Y., et al. Randomised controlled trial of graded exercise in patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome. BMJ 1997; 314:1647

85 Fulcher, K.Y., et al. Randomised controlled trial of graded exercise in patients with the chronic fatigue

85 Fulcher, K.Y., et al. Randomised controlled trial of graded exercise in patients with the chronic fatigue syndrome. BMJ 1997; 314:1647

La Haye : Gezondheidsraad; publication n° 2005/02 99 Campo, J.V. , et al (1999). Somatization in pediatric primary care: Association with psychopathology, functional impairment, and use of services.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 38, 1093-1101 100 Lieb, R., et al (2000).

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Date index: 2021-11-24