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Traduction de «review and cumulative analysis » (Français → Néerlandais) :

les résultats sont examinés avec d’autres grandes séries (de la littérature nationale et internationale). Cela peut être fait à partir des données de la méta-analyse : ’Retropubic, laparoscopic, and robot-assisted radical prostatectomy : A systematic review and cumulative analysis of comparative studies, V. Ficarra et al., European Urology 55(2009)1037-1063’.

and robot-assisted radical prostatectomy : ‘A systematic review and cumulative analysis of comparative studies, V. Ficarra et al, European Urology 55(2009)1037-1063’.

Table 3: Search for SR and MA Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for systematic reviews and meta-analysis Date 19/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH) and mass screening (or early detection) (MESH) and mammography (MESH) Medline 1,ti,ab,sh (34320) 27 (1 duplicate) (OVID): 2 1 or (meta anal$ or metaanal$).ti,ab,sh (43943) Filter 3 (methodol$ or systematic$ or quantitativ$).ti,ab,sh.

Table 1: Search for SR and MA Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for systematic reviews and meta-analysis Date 19/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH) and mass screening (or early detection) (MESH) and mammography (MESH) Medline 1,ti,ab,sh (34320) 27 (1 duplicate) (OVID): 2 1 or (meta anal$ or metaanal$).ti,ab,sh (43943) Filter 3 (methodol$ or systematic$ or quantitativ$).ti,ab,sh.

Table 9: Evidence form systematic reviews and meta analysis (breast cancer mortality reduction in intervention group) Study ID Ref Population Intervention Results of meta-analysis Comments Level of evidence

Table 7: Evidence form systematic reviews and meta analysis (breast cancer mortality reduction in intervention group) Study ID Ref Population Intervention Results of meta-analysis Comments Level of evidence

Le but de l'étude « Residential exposure to pesticides and childhood leukaemia : A systematic review and meta-analysis » était de comparer entre elles des données provenant d’études publiées et émanant de plusieurs pays sur l'exposition domestique aux pesticides et l’apparition de la leucémie chez l'enfant, et d'obtenir ainsi une estimation du risque.

De studie “Residential exposure to pesticides and childhood leukaemia : a systematic review and meta-analysis” wilde een onderlinge vergelijking maken tussen gegevens uit gepubliceerde studies en uit verschillende landen over de huiselijke blootstelling aan pesticiden en het voorvallen van leukemie bij kinderen, en zo het risico inschatten.

and ultra-rapid freezing of human embryos: a systematic review and meta-analysis. RBM Online 2010; 20:209-22.

− AbdelHafez F, Desai N, Abou-setta A, Falcone T, Goldfarb J. Slow freezing, vitrification and ultra-rapid freezing of human embryos: a systematic review and meta-analysis RBM Online 2010; 20:209-22.

(Schürks 2009) Schürks M, Rist PM, Bigal ME et al. Migraine and cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis.

(Schürks 2009) Schürks M, Rist PM, Bigal ME et al. Migraine and cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ

Table 10: Evidence form HTA review : Breast cancer screening among women aged 40 – 49 Relative risks (intention to treat) with confidence reported for each study together with the results of a stepwise meta-analysis and cumulative CI Study ID Relative risk Confidence interval Cumulative RR Cumutlative CI UK Age Trial (UK) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) NBSS-1 (Canada) 0,97 (0,74-1,27) 0,89 (0,75-1,06) Malmö (Sweden) (0,58-1,77) ...[+++]

Table 8: Evidence form HTA review : Breast cancer screening among women aged 40 – 49 Relative risks (intention to treat) with confidence reported for each study together with the results of a stepwise meta-analysis and cumulative CI Study ID Relative risk Confidence interval Cumulative RR Cumutlative CI UK Age Trial (UK) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) 0,83 (0,66-1,04) NBSS-1 (Canada) 0,97 (0,74-1,27) 0,89 (0,75-1,06) Malmö (Sweden) (0,58-1,77) 0 ...[+++]

B. De plus, le staff NHCC doit publier régulièrement des articles « primary research papers » en rapport avec l’hémophilie, dans des journaux internationaux de Peer-reviewed, totalisant un score « factor impact » cumulé sur 5 années supérieur ou égal à 100.

Om als Nationaal Coördinatiecentrum voor Hemofilie te worden erkend, moet een centrum op een enkele plaats op regelmatige basis 150 volwassenen of kinderen volgen met een ernstige vorm van hemofilie A of B. Bovendien moet de NHCC-staf regelmatig artikels, “primary research papers”, publiceren over hemofilie in de internationale kranten voor peer review met een gecumuleerde “factor impact- score” gelijk aan of hoger dan 100 over een periode van 5 jaar.

− Crews C, Castle L. A review of the occurrence, formation and analysis of furan in heatprocessed foods.

Crews C, Castle L. A review of the occurrence, formation and analysis of furan in heatprocessed foods.

Table 17: False positive and false negative mammography results (KCE table) Review Study Type of study Findings Range Mushlin et al, 1998 meta‐ analysis probability of false positive screening per screening 0,9 % to 6,5 % Olivotto et al, 1998 Hofvind et al, 2004 Elmore et al, 1998 Elmore et al, 1998 observational

Table 15: False positive and false negative mammography results (KCE table) Review Study Type of study Findings Range Mushlin et al, 1998 meta‐ analysis probability of false positive screening per screening 0,9 % to 6,5 % Olivotto et al, 1998 Hofvind et al, 2004 Elmore et al, 1998 Elmore et al, 1998 observational

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review and cumulative analysis ->

Date index: 2022-08-12