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Adverse Effects
Négociation de la date du sevrage tabagique

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Définition: Les divers troubles dissociatifs (ou de conversion) ont en commun une perte partielle ou complète des fonctions normales d'intégration des souvenirs, de la conscience de l'identité ou des sensations immédiates et du contrôle des mouvements corporels. Toutes les variétés de troubles dissociatifs ont tendance à disparaître après quelques semaines ou mois, en particulier quand leur survenue est associée à un événement traumatique. L'évolution peut également se faire vers des troubles plus chroniques, en particulier des paralysies et des anesthésies, quand la survenue du trouble est liée à des problèmes ou des difficultés interpersonnelles insolubles. Dans le passé, ces troubles ont été classés comme divers types d'hystérie de conve ...[+++]

Omschrijving: Het gemeenschappelijk thema van dissociatieve stoornissen of conversiestoornissen bestaat uit een gedeeltelijk of volledig verlies van de normale integratie van herinneringen, besef van identiteit en onmiddellijke zintuiglijke gewaarwordingen en controle over de motoriek. Alle vormen van dissociatieve stoornissen vertonen de tendens minder te worden na enige weken of maanden, vooral als hun begin samenviel met een traumatische levensgebeurtenis. Meer chronische stoornissen, vooral verlammingen en anesthesieën, kunnen ontstaan indien het begin samenvalt met onoplosbare problemen of persoonlijke conflicten. Deze stoornissen zijn voorheen geclassificeerd als verschillende vormen 'conversiehysterie'. Men neemt aan dat ze psychogee ...[+++]

Search Date July 2007. [http ...]

Kaltenbach T, Crockett S, Gerson L. Are lifestyle measures effective in patients with gastroesophagal reflux disease?

Search Date February 2009. [http ...]

2 Lip GY, Kalra L. Stroke: secondary prevention. BMJ Clinical Evidence 2010; 03:207.

Search Date February 2009. [http ...]

Aguilar MI, Hart R. Antiplatelet therapy for preventing stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and no previous history of stroke or transient ischemic attacks.

Table 4: Search for additional RCTs Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for RCT’s Date 27/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH), mass screening (or early detection) (MESH), mammography (MESH) Medline 1 Randomized controlled trials/ (66083) Medline (OVID): (OVID): 2 Randomized controlled (289038) Filter Filter 3 Random allocation/ (67885) RCT RCT 4 Double blind method/ (105956) 5 Single blind method/ (13834) 6 Clinical (460563) 7 exp clinical trial/ (606505) 8 or/1-7 (718664) 9 (cl ...[+++]

Table 2: Search for additional RCTs Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for RCT’s Date 27/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH), mass screening (or early detection) (MESH), mammography (MESH) Medline 1 Randomized controlled trials/ (66083) Medline (OVID): (OVID): 2 Randomized controlled (289038) Filter Filter 3 Random allocation/ (67885) RCT RCT 4 Double blind method/ (105956) 5 Single blind method/ (13834) 6 Clinical (460563) 7 exp clinical trial/ (606505) 8 or/1-7 (718664) 9 (cl ...[+++]

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Table 3: Search for SR and MA Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for systematic reviews and meta-analysis Date 19/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH) and mass screening (or early detection) (MESH) and mammography (MESH) Medline 1,ti,ab,sh (34320) 27 (1 duplicate) (OVID): 2 1 or (meta anal$ or metaanal$).ti,ab,sh (43943) Filter 3 (methodol$ or systematic$ or quantitativ$).ti,ab,sh.

Table 1: Search for SR and MA Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for systematic reviews and meta-analysis Date 19/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH) and mass screening (or early detection) (MESH) and mammography (MESH) Medline 1,ti,ab,sh (34320) 27 (1 duplicate) (OVID): 2 1 or (meta anal$ or metaanal$).ti,ab,sh (43943) Filter 3 (methodol$ or systematic$ or quantitativ$).ti,ab,sh.

Table 5: Update of evidence found in SR and HTA Search Radiation harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Update of HTA (ETMIS) Date 03/05/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms, mammography/ adverse effects, mass screening/ adverse effects Medline Case (156081) (OVID): 2 (689184) Filter 3 Historical (263481) RCT 4 Review of reported (0) 5 Review, (0) 6 or/1-5 (1099551) 7 Breast/ or Breast Diseases/ (30731) 8 Neoplasms/ (216844) 9 7 and 8 (536) 10 exp Breast Neoplasms/ (171800) 11 (breast$ adj5 neoplas$).tw (2557) 12 (breast$ adj5 cancer$ ...[+++]

Table 3: Update of evidence found in SR and HTA Search Radiation harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Update of HTA (ETMIS) Date 03/05/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms, mammography/ adverse effects, mass screening/ adverse effects Medline Case (156081) (OVID): 2 (689184) Filter 3 Historical (263481) RCT 4 Review of reported (0) 5 Review, (0) 6 or/1-5 (1099551) 7 Breast/ or Breast Diseases/ (30731) 8 Neoplasms/ (216844) 9 7 and 8 (536) 10 exp Breast Neoplasms/ (171800) 11 (breast$ adj5 neoplas$).tw (2557) 12 (breast$ adj5 cancer$ ...[+++]

BMJ Clinical Evidence Search Date June 2010. [http ...]

BMJ Clinical Evidence 2011; 06:804. Search Date June 2010. [http ...]

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